Page 43 - ASME_IMECE_2019_Program
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sustainability and ethical issues, assessment challenges of the   Track 8: Fluids Engineering
overall performance of a system as opposed to the detailed
functions of a component, as well as establishing criteria for,   8-13-1: FLUIDS ENGINEERING
and transparency of decision making. This plenary addresses                      Wednesday, November 13, 8:45AM–9:30AM
the above deficiencies from a holistic perspective, accounting                                                                       Room 155D,
for issues in communications, teamwork across discipline and
geographic borders, and project/design status visualization.            Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center
Lean Education’s role as a holistic perspective and as a
curricular innovation capable of developing the competencies      Using Uncertainty Quantification With HPC to Reconcile
missing in the current engineering curricula that bridge the gap  Models and Measurements
between the academic and professional worlds. The talk            (IMECE2019-14000)
covers sustainability and systems concepts of Lean Education,
identification of strategies and weaknesses in current curricula,                        Philip Smith
competencies and skills needed to an organizational health                              Institute for Clean and Secure Energy
and Lean Education’s capability in providing content and                                Presentation
competency mastery pulled by stakeholders (society,
employers, faculty, students).                                    Abstract: Bayesian methods for uncertainty quantification (UQ)
                                                                  provide the opportunity to identify model form uncertainty in
Bio: Anabela C. Alves, an expert in lean education, is a faculty  both measurements and models. Under sponsorship of the
in the Department of Production and Systems/School of             US DOE NNSA we have used HPC (10 - 250 thousand cores)
Engineering/University of Minho. She holds a Ph.D. in             with scalable large eddy simulations (LES) for utility scale
Production and Systems Engineering, being affiliated to            (100–1000 MW) particle-laden pulverized coal and biomass
Centre ALGORITMI. Her main research interests are in the          power boilers. We have found that these UQ-methods have
areas of Production Systems Design and Operation; Lean            allowed us to use data from models and measurements to
Production (Lean Education, Lean Healthcare, Lean Services,       extrapolate from laboratory scale experiments to full-scale
Lean Product Development, Lean & TRIZ, Lean-Green, and            predictions. The resulting Bayesian posterior predictive
Lean & Ergonomics); Production Planning and Control,              includes the effect of uncertainty from model parameters,
Project Management and Engineering Education, with                scenario parameters, and model form uncertainty in both the
particular interest in active learning methodologies, e.g.,       instrument models and the predictive physics-based LES
Project-Led Education (PLE) and Project/Problem-Based             models.
Learning (PBL). She is author/coauthor of more than 100
publications in conferences publications or communications,       Bio: Philip Smith is presently Director, Institute for Clean and
four books, four editions of conference proceedings, 17 book      Secure Energy (ICSE), University of Utah; a Professor in the
chapters and 27 international journal articles. She participated  Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Utah; and
in 26 events abroad and 27 in Portugal. She directed several      Director, Carbon Capture Multidisciplinary Simulation Center
graduate theses during her teaching career. She is member         (CCMSC), a U.S. Dept. of Energy NNSA Predictive Science
of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the International    Academic Alliance Program Center. He is also Chair, American
Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education          Flame Research Committee (AFRC), a national committee of
(PAEE). She is a member of the following societies and            the International Flame Research Foundation, Liverno, Italy
networks: SOCOLNET – Society of Collaborative Networks;           and President of CRSim Inc., a Utah company. Professor Smith
Portuguese Society of Engineering Education (SPEE);               has also served as department chair, Chemical Engineering,
Portuguese Institute of Industrial Engineering (IPEI); American   University of Utah (2000–2007); cofounder and vice-president,
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); Lean Education            Reaction Engineering International (1990–1997); head of the
Academic Network (LEAN); European Professors of Industrial        Combustion Computations Laboratory, Advanced Combustion
Engineering and Management (EPIEM); and IEM Care                  Engineering Research Center (ACERC), an NSF – ERC,
Foundation. She participated in three partnerships R&D            Brigham Young University (1984–1990); staff member, Los
projects with Bosch Car Multimedia. Her publications could        Alamos National Laboratory, Energy (Q) Division (1982–1983);
be consulted at ORCID.                                            and Assistant and Associate Professor, Brigham Young
                                                                  University (1979–1990).

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