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This lecture will highlight the computational and experimental                state-sensing and self-awareness capabilities to diagnose their
       efforts at the University of Michigan to better understand the                health and operating states on a real-time basis, mimicking the
       impact of large deformations on the aeroelastic characteristics               sensory skins of biological systems and enabling “fly-by-feel”
       of these flexible vehicles, in particular, an experimental program             capabilities. In addition, the vehicles will be powered by hybrid
       to evaluate in flight some of the unusual aircraft behaviors that              or electric propulsion systems using energy provided by
       can be predicted by our codes. The unmanned aerial vehicle,                   advanced high-energy batteries.
       known as X-HALE, has been designed and built to be
       aeroelastically representative of (HALE) very flexible aircraft.               In this presentation, a robust and cost-effective manufacturing
       The objective of this test bed is to fundamentally understand                 technique is proposed to create a new class of Multifunctional
       the physics involved in the presence of geometric nonlinearities,             Energy Storage Composites (MESC) that can be used to
       collect unique data of the geometrically nonlinear aeroelastic                design specifically for the next generation autonomous electric
       response coupled with the flight dynamics in support to code                   vehicles. The MES Composites will be built with distributed
       validation, and as an inexpensive platform for nonlinear control              stretchable sensors/electronics networks and embedded
       exploration. An outlook on the remaining challenges and future                lithium-ion batteries to form a completely integrated intelligent
       activities will conclude the lecture.                                         material system. Utilizing novel microfabrication methods,
                                                                                     the sensor networks can be fabricated in nano/micro scales
       Bio: Carlos E. S. Cesnik is the Clarence L. “Kelly” Johnson                   and then be stretched in several orders of magnitude to be
       Collegiate Professor of Aerospace Engineering and the                         embeddable into composite structures. A novel interlocking
       founding Director of the Active Aeroelasticity and Structures                 fabrication technique is developed to seamlessly integrate
       Research Laboratory. He also directs the Airbus-Michigan                      lithium-ion batteries into composites without sacrificing the
       Center for Aero-Servo-Elasticity of Very Flexible Aircraft                    structural integrity of the host while maintaining the energy
       (CASE-VFA). His research interests have focused on                            capacity and electrical performance of the original battery
       computational and experimental aeroelasticity of very flexible                 materials. The fly-by-feel technology concept was successfully
       aircraft; coupled nonlinear aeroelasticity and flight dynamic                  demonstrated in real time in a wind tunnel experiment on a
       response in high-altitude long-endurance (HALE) aircraft and                  composite wing with integrated sensor networks. At the same
       advanced jet transport aircraft; aerothermoelastic modeling,                  time, the health of the integrated batteries could be monitored
       analysis, and simulation of hypersonic vehicles; and active                   simultaneously using the built-in sensor networks. Prototypes
       vibration and noise reductions in helicopters.                                of the multifunctional energy-storage composites were
                                                                                     fabricated and demonstrated the feasibility of providing up
       Professor Cesnik is a Fellow of the American Institute of                     to 40% weight savings on the combined battery and structural
       Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and a Fellow of the                       weight of existing commercial electric vehicles.
       Royal Aeronautical Society. He serves as AIAA’s Director for
       the Aerospace Design and Structures Group and is an elected                   Bio: Fu-Kuo Chang is a Professor in the Department of
       member of AIAA’s Council of Directors. He has over 300                        Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford University. His
       publications as archival journal and conference papers, and                   primary research interest is in the areas of multi-functional
       several invited lectures in the areas of aeroelasticity, smart                materials and intelligent structures with particular emphases
       structures, structural mechanics, and structural health                       on structural health monitoring, self-sensing diagnostics,
       monitoring.                                                                   intelligent sensor networks, and multifunctional energy
                                                                                     storage composites for transportation vehicles as well
       Track 3: Advances in Aerospace Technology                                     safety-critical assets. Dr. Chang is a recipient of the SHM
                                                                                     Lifetime Achievement Award (2004), SPIE NDE Lifetime
       3-1-2: ADVANCES IN AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY                                       Achievement Award (2010), and the PHM lifetime Achievement
                          Monday, November 11, 9:45AM–10:30AM                        Award (2018). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International
                                                                         Room 255C,  Journal of Structural Health Monitoring. He is also a Fellow
                                                                                     of AIAA and ASME.
             Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center

       Design of Advanced Multifunctional Composites for
       Fly-by-Feel Autonomous Electric Vehicles

                             Fu-Kuo Chang
                             Stanford University

xxxvi  Abstract: It is envisioned that the next generation aerospace
       vehicles will be eco-friendly and designed towards being
       fully autonomous and highly intelligent to achieve optimal
       performance with highest safety assurance for all operational
       conditions. The vehicles will be equipped with high-resolution
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