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Kilas Kinerja Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan
Performance Highlights Management Report Company Profile
Corporate Code of Conduct
Kode Etik
Pokok-Pokok Kode Etik Principles of the Code of Conduct
Kode etik dan perilaku menjadi pedoman semua The code of conduct guides all parties in the company in
pihak di perusahaan dalam menjalankan kegiatan carrying out business activities and operations ethically
usaha maupun operasi secara beretika dan and with integrity. The code of conduct is dynamic, and
berintegritas. Kode etik dan perilaku bersifat constantly updated to be in line with developments
dinamis, dan senantiasa diperbaharui agar selaras in regulations, norms and the Ccompany’s business.
dengan perkembangan regulasi, norma serta bisnis The code of conduct is prepared based on the Vision,
perusahaan. Kode Etik disusun berdasarkan Visi, Mission and Ethical Values, provisions, and applicable
Misi dan Nilai-Nilai Etika, ketentuan-ketentuan, serta laws. This code of conduct includes a policy of
Undang-Undang yang berlaku. Kode Etik ini mencakup decency/appropriateness based on values and moral
kebijakan kepatutan/ kepantasan berdasarkan considerations concerning integrity, conscience,
nilai-nilai dan pertimbangan-pertimbangan moral self-awareness, professionalism and a positive image
yang menyangkut integritas, hati nurani, kesadaran and reputation of the Company.
diri, profesionalisme dan citra positif serta nama
baik Perusahaan.
Sosialisasi Kode Etik Socialization on the Code of Conduct
Perusahaan memastikan bahwa seluruh Insan MMI The Company ensures that all MMI personnel understand
telah memahami isi kode etik karena Perusahaan the contents of the code of conduct because the Company
telah melakukan sosialisasi Kode Etik kepada seluruh has socialized the code of conduct to all relevant
pemangku kepentingan terkait. Peninjauan secara stakeholders. Periodic reviews are also carried out to
berkala juga dilakukan untuk melihat efektivitas see the effectiveness of implementing the Company’s
penerapan Kode Etik Perusahaan. Code of Conduct.
Keberlakuan Kode Etik Applicability of the Code of Conduct for
bagi Seluruh Insan Perusahaan All Company Personnel
Kode etik yang dimiliki oleh Perusahaan merupakan The code of conduct of the Company is a general code
kode etik yang bersifat general dan berlaku bagi of conduct and applies to all Company personnel
seluruh Insan Perusahaan termasuk di dalamnya including the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors
Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, maupun pejabat Perusahaan and other Company officials. This is in accordance with
lainnya tanpa terkecuali. Hal ini sesuai dengan prinsip the Company’s principle of upholding the principle of
Perseroan yang memegang teguh prinsip kesetaraan equality for all employees of the Company.
terhadap seluruh karyawan Perusahaan.
140 PT Multi Medika Internasional Tbk.