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Kilas Kinerja Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan
Performance Highlights Management Report Company Profile
Jenis Risiko Mitigasi Risiko
Risk Type Risk Mitigation
Risk arising from other To transact with parties from other countries, the Company requires an adequate degree of
Country Regulations knowledge in conducting transactions in other countries, especially regarding the legal provisions
or International that apply in these countries. If the Company is negligent in knowing or interpreting the laws that
Regulations apply to other countries or other binding international regulations, then the Company is faced with
the risk of getting warnings and even sanctions from the competent authorities in these countries.
The Company also adapts to comply with regulations in other countries or international regulations
in which the Company conducts transactions.
Penerapan sistem manajemen risiko di Perusahaan The implementation of the risk management system
senantiasa dievaluasi oleh masing-masing risk in the Company is constantly evaluated by each risk
owner dan Bagian Pemantau Risiko dengan hasilnya owner and the Risk Monitoring Section with the results
disampaikan dalam bentuk laporan kepada Direksi. submitted in the form of a report to the Board of Directors.
Hubungan dengan Pemangku Kepentingan [E.4] Stakeholder Relations [E.4]
Keberhasilan dalam mencapai kinerja keberlanjutan Success in achieving sustainable performance as
sesuai harapan tidak terlepas dari peran serta seluruh expected is inseparable from the participation of all
pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat dalam proses stakeholders involved in the Company’s business
bisnis Perusahaan. Berbagai pihak baik dari internal processes. Various parties, both internal and external,
maupun eksternal memiliki peran penting yang have an important role in supporting the Company
mendukung Perusahaan meraih performa terbaik to achieve the best performance and sustainable
dan kinerja yang terus berkelanjutan hingga di masa performance into the future. Hence, the Company
depan. Untuk itu, Perusahaan senantiasa membangun always builds and maintains good relations with
dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan para pemangku stakeholders through various approaches that are
kepentingan melalui berbagai metode pendekatan tailored to their needs.
yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan.
Metode pendekatan yang telah disusun dan ditinjau The approach method that has been prepared and
oleh pihak manajemen adalah sebagai berikut: reviewed by management is as follows:
Pemangku Kepentingan Metode Pendekatan
Stakeholders Approach Method
Investor/Pemegang • Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPST dan RUPSLB)
Saham • Penyediaan Laporan Keuangan
Investor / Shareholders • Penyediaan Laporan Tahunan dan Laporan Keberlanjutan
• General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS and EGMS)
• Provision of Financial Statements
• Provision of Annual Reports and Sustainability Reports
Regulator • Penyampaian laporan sesuai kebijakan dan ketentuan dari regulator
• Keterlibatan dalam sosialisasi yang diselenggarakan regulator terkait pemberlakuan
kebijakan baru atau perubahan serta pembaharuan kebijakan yang sudah ada
160 PT Multi Medika Internasional Tbk.