Page 488 - Icon Ridge Maintenance & Service Catalog
P. 488

Cutting, Sanding, Sawing, Surface Treatment

         Circular Saw Blade HD

         • Alternate tooth made of hard metal
         • Special saw blade for cutting and edge-plane cuttings with especially
           high cutting performance and cipboards which are coated on both
           sides with polyester, thermoplastc, duro-plastic and synthetic resin
           up to a cutting depth of 30 mm. Fine cutting in laminated sheets.
         • Polished surface and high concentricity provide for a smooth and
           clean cut
         • Safe and precise fit of blade
         • Hard metal saw blade can be re-sharpened several times
         • Highest cutting quality, longer service life and smooth running
         • Extra solid version
         • High-strength soldered hard metal sawing teeth
         • FÖRCH-Lasertec; lasered extension slots for considerably lower
           noise-level compared to conventional circular saw blades
         • HDF = hollow tooth-roof-flat made of hard metal

                                                               Technical Data
                                                               Cut       Standard    Pinhole drilling
                                                               breadth   blade       quantity / Ø /
          Article No.  Article Description             QTY               thickness   centre distance
          5745 302 30  CIRC.SAW BLADE HDF 302X30 60T     1     3.2       2.2         2x7/42 + 2x9/46.4 + 2x10/60
                     (Blade-Ø mm x drill-Ø mm / number of teeth)

         Circular Saw Blade LWZ

         • Alternate tooth made of hard metal
         • For long and cross-section cuttings in all natural woods, wooden ma-
           terials, also for one-sided veneered and one-sided with plastic ve-
           neered materials. Blade is suitable for solid wood (construction site,
           carpentry, joinery, window assembly, furniture mounting, interior fit-
           tings etc.)
         • Backstroke
         • Polished surface and high concentricity provide for a smooth and
           clean cut
         • Safe and precise fit of blade
         • Hard metal sawing teeth can be re-sharpened several times
         • Highest cutting quality, longer service life and smooth running
         • Extra solid version
         • High-strength soldered hard metal sawing teeth
         • FÖRCH-Lasertec; lasered extension slots for considerably lower
           noise-level compared to conventional ciruclar saw blades
         • LWZ = longitudinal section alternating tooth

                                                               Technical Data
                                                               Cut      Standard    Pinhole drilling
                                                               breadth  blade       quantity / Ø /
          Article No.  Article Description             QTY              thickness    centre distance
                                                               3.2      2.2         2x7/42 + 2x9/46.4 + 2x10/60
          5746 250 30 24  CIRC.SAW BLADE LWZ 250X30 24T  1
          5746 300 30 24  CIRC.SAW BLADE LWZ 300X30 24T  1     3.2      2.2         2x7/42 + 2x9/46.4 + 2x10/60
                                                               3.2      2.2         2x7/42 + 2x9/46.4 + 2x10/60
          5746 300 30 28  CIRC.SAW BLADE LWZ 300X30 28T  1
          5746 315 30 28  CIRC.SAW BLADE LWZ 315X30 28T  1     3.2      2.2         2x7/42 + 2x9/46.4 + 2x10/60
          5746 350 30 24  CIRC.SAW BLADE LWZ 350X30 24T  1     3.5      2.5         2x7/42 + 2x9/46.4 + 2x10/60
          5746 350 30 32  CIRC.SAW BLADE LWZ 350X30 32T  1     3.5      2.5         2x7/42 + 2x9/46.4 + 2x10/60
          5746 400 30 28  CIRC.SAW BLADE LWZ 400X30 28T  1     3.5      2.5         2x7/42 + 2x9/46.4 + 2x10/60
                                                               3.5      2.5         2x7/42 + 2x9/46.4 + 2x10/60
          5746 400 30 36  CIRC.SAW BLADE LWZ 400X30 36T  1
          5746 450 30 40  CIRC.SAW BLADE LWZ 450X30 40T  1     4.5      2.8         2x7/42 + 2x9/46.4 + 2x10/60
                       (Blade-Ø mm x drill-Ø mm / number of teeth)

       Technical data subject to change.
       Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.  Source: Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG             488
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