Page 489 - Icon Ridge Maintenance & Service Catalog
P. 489
Cutting, Sanding, Sawing, Surface Treatment
Circular Saw Blades with Internal HM Scrapers
• Alternate tooth made from hard metal
• For cross and longitudinal sections in soft and hard wood, wet and
• Cut with strobe cut for format machines, bench circular saws, trim-
• Ideal for high cutting height thanks to the internal spaces
• Flat tooth positive rake angle
• With expansion slots
• Chip thickness limited design
• Low kickback
• Carbide tipped strobes with cooling, scraper function and tracking
function in the cutting joint
Technical Data
Cut Standard Pinhole drilling
breadth blade quantity / Ø /
Article No. Article Description QTY thickness centre distance
5746 350 30 204 CIRC.SAW B.W.SCRAP.350X30Z20/4 1 3.2 2.2 2x7/42 + 2x10/60
5746 400 30 284 CIRC.SAW B.W.SCRAP.400X30Z28/4 1 3.2 2.2 2x7/42 + 2x10/60
(Blade Ø mm x hole Ø mm / number of teeth)
Circu. Sawblades for NF Metals with Negative Teeth
• Highest accuracy and best product life
• Saws aluminium, copper, brass, composites and plastics
• For thin-walled sections, as well as anodized
• Panel materials, compressed wood and solid timber in cross and lon-
gitudinal sections
• Due to the negative shape of the teeth, the saw blade is not pressed
into the material but the counterforce is less. For this reason the nega-
tive blades are lighter and safer to use for manual feeds
• Furthermore the negative tooth shape is insensitive to impact and jam-
• Primarily for use with mitre saws with oscillating saw blade
• WZ = alternate tooth
• TFZ = trapezoidal flat tooth
• For cutting thin-walled panels made from aluminium and plastic, parti-
cularly anodised profiles and other non-ferrous metals
• Negative rake angle = chop saw, mitre saw and pendulum saw
• NEG = negative tooth position
• Solid timber, MDF panels and chipboard also coated
Technical Data
Cut Balde Pinhole drilling Tooth
Article No. Article Description QTY breadth thickness quantity / Ø / centr.dist. form
5740 216 30 24 CIRCU.SAW.BL.HK216X30 24Z NEG. 1 2.8 1.8 - WZ
5740 216 30 48 CIRCU.SAW.BL.HK216X30 48Z NEG. 1 2.8 1.8 - WZ
5740 216 30 60 CIRCU.SAW.BL.HK216X30 60Z NEG. 1 2.8 1.8 - WZ
5740 216 30 80 CIRCU.SAW.BL.HK216X30 80Z NEG. 1 2.8 1.8 - WZ
5740 305 30 60 CIRCU.SAW.BL.HK305X30 60Z NEG. 1 3.2 2.2 2x7/42 + 2x9/46.4 + 2x10/60 WZ
5740 305 30 80 CIRCU.SAW.BL.HK305X30 80Z NEG. 1 3.2 2.2 2x7/42 + 2x9/46.4 + 2x10/60 WZ
5744 250 30 801 CIRC.SAW BL.VW 250X30 80T NEG. 1 3.2 2.2 2x7/42 + 2x9/46.4 + 2x10/60 WZ
5749 250 30 60 CIRC.SAW BL.VW 250X30 60T NEG. 1 3.2 2.2 2x7/42 TFZ
5749 300 30 72 CIRC.SAW BL.VW 300X30 72T NEG. 1 3.2 2.2 2x7/42 + 2x10/60 TFZ
5749 300 30 96 CIRC.SAW BL.VW 250X30 96T NEG. 1 3.2 2.2 2x7/42 + 2x10/60 TFZ
5749 350 30 108 CIRC.SAW BL.VW 250X30 108T NEG 1 3.2 2.2 2x7/42 + 2x10/60 TFZ
(Blade Ø mm x hole Ø mm / number of teeth)
Technical data subject to change.
Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations. Source: Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG 489