Page 385 - Industrial Tools Catalog (1)
P. 385

Milling tools monoblock \ Solid carbide mills for machining stainless steel
                                                                                   Type    VA         VA
                                                                                 Surface  ULTRA MS  ULTRA MS
                                                                          Tool holding device HA parallel shank HB parallel shank
                                                                      Tolerance of cutting edge Ø  e8  e8
                                                                         Tolerance of shank Ø  h6     h6
                                                                     Z (PCS)  fz steinl. st. ˜  16670...  16670...
                                                                                (mm)   Ident. No.  Ident. No.
             mm       mm        mm        mm       mm        mm
             3         9        15        50       2.8        6        3        0.015  170   ●    150    ●
             4         12       20        50       3.7        6        3        0.02   172   ●    152    ●
             5         15       20        50       4.6        6        3        0.025  174   ●    154    ●
             6         16       20        50       5.5        6        3        0.03   176   ●    156    ●
             8         20       30        64       7.4        8        3        0.036  178   ●    158    ●
             10        22       32        70       9.2       10        3        0.044  180   ●    160    ●
             12        25       37        75        11       12        3        0.052  182   ●    162    ●
             16        32       46        90        15       16        3        0.065  184   ●    164    ●
             20        38       58        100       19       20        3        0.08   186   ●    166    ●
         Prod. Gr. 152
                         Solid carbide end mill
                          4 flutes, ULTRA MS-coated

          VHM  ULTRA  Typ  Z               HA   HB
                MS  VA    4         γ = 10°
         Application:                        ƒ centre cutting
         End mill for machining stainless steel, titanium alloy,     ƒ Ident. No. 190–206: HB straight shank  Ident. No. 190–206
         nickel and copper alloys.           ƒ Ident. No. 210–226: HA straight shank
         Execution:                        Advantage:
         ƒ ultra-fine grain cemented carbide    ƒ optimised, positive cutting geometry
         ƒ with clearance                    ƒ optimum chip removal and temperature resistance  Ident. No. 210–226
         ƒ high-performance ULTRA MS layer    ƒ maximum service life thanks to ULTRA MS coating
         ƒ defined cutting edge rounding
           Application  Steel (N/mm )  Stainless steel  Alu  Brass  Bronze  Plas-  Graphite  GG(G)  Titan-  Nickel-  Super-  Hard mat.
             No.    <700  <1000  <1300  marten.  austen.  short  long  short  long  short  long  tics  G(C)FK  GjMW  alloy  alloy  alloy  <55 HRC <65 HRC
          16670190-206  140  130  70   60                                           70   60   70
          16670210-226  140  130  70   60                                           70   60   70
                                                                                   Type    VA         VA
                                                                                 Surface  ULTRA MS  ULTRA MS
                                                                          Tool holding device HA parallel shank HB parallel shank
                                                                      Tolerance of cutting edge Ø  e8  e8
                                                                         Tolerance of shank Ø  h6     h6
                                                                     Z (PCS)  fz steinl. st. ˜  16670...  16670...
                                                                                (mm)   Ident. No.  Ident. No.
             mm       mm        mm        mm       mm        mm
             3         9        15        50       2.8        6        4        0.015  210   ●    190    ●
             4         12       20        50       3.7        6        4        0.02   212   ●    192    ●
             5         15       20        50       4.6        6        4        0.025  214   ●    194    ●
             6         16       20        50       5.5        6        4        0.03   216   ●    196    ●
             8         20       30        64       7.4        8        4        0.036  218   ●    198    ●
             10        22       32        70       9.2       10        4        0.044  220   ●    200    ●
             12        25       37        75        11       12        4        0.052  222   ●    202    ●
             16        32       46        90        15       16        4        0.065  224   ●    204    ●
             20        38       58        100       19       20        4        0.08   226   ●    206    ●
         Prod. Gr. 152
                         Solid carbide HPC end mill
                          4 flutes, ULTRA MS-coated

               ULTRA  Typ  Z                    HA   HB
          VHM       VA                                            HPC
                MS        4    35°/38°  γ = 10°  45°
         Application:                        ƒ high-performance ULTRA MS layer         Ident. No. 260–274
         HPC end mill with uneven helical and uneven pitch     ƒ with edge protection chamfer
         for rough machining and finish machining of stain-    ƒ defined cutting edge rounding
         less steel, titanium alloy, nickel and copper alloys.     ƒ centre cutting
         The uneven helical pitch means that vibrations on
         the tool are reduced, which results in outstanding     ƒ Ident. No. 260–274: HB straight shank
         finished surfaces, while, at the same time, feed rates     ƒ Ident. No. 276–290: HA straight shank  Ident. No. 276–290
         and cutting depths can be increased.
         Execution:                          ƒ rough machining and finishing with just one tool
         ƒ ultra-fine grain cemented carbide    ƒ optimum suitability for trochoidal milling
         ƒ with uneven helical and cutter distribution    ƒ HPC geometry for maximum feed rates and running
          (35/38°)                          smoothness
         ƒ with clearance                    ƒ suitable for large cutting depths
           Application  Steel (N/mm )  Stainless steel  Alu  Brass  Bronze  Plas-  Graphite  GG(G)  Titan-  Nickel-  Super-  Hard mat.
             No.    <700  <1000  <1300  marten.  austen.  short  long  short  long  short  long  tics  G(C)FK  GjMW  alloy  alloy  alloy  <55 HRC <65 HRC
          16670260-274  140  130  70   60                                           70   60   70
          16670276-290  140  130  70   60                                           70   60   70

              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
              Technical data subject to change.                                   385
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.
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