Page 386 - Industrial Tools Catalog (1)
P. 386
Milling tools monoblock \ Solid carbide mills for machining stainless steel
Type VA VA
Tool holding device HA parallel shank HB parallel shank
Tolerance of cutting edge Ø e8 e8
Tolerance of shank Ø h6 h6
Z (PCS) fz steinl. 16670... 16670...
st. (mm) Ident. No. Ident. No.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
4 11 20 57 3.7 6 0.1 4 0.02 276 ● 260 ●
5 13 20 57 4.6 6 0.1 4 0.025 278 ● 262 ●
6 13 20 57 5.5 6 0.1 4 0.03 280 ● 264 ●
8 20 30 64 7.4 8 0.2 4 0.036 282 ● 266 ●
10 22 32 72 9.2 10 0.2 4 0.044 284 ● 268 ●
12 26 37 83 11 12 0.2 4 0.052 286 ● 270 ●
16 32 46 92 15 16 0.3 4 0.065 288 ● 272 ●
20 38 58 104 19 20 0.4 4 0.08 290 ● 274 ●
Prod. Gr. 152
Solid carbide HPC end mill
4 flutes, ULTRA MS-coated
MS 4 35°/38° γ = 10° 45°
Application: high-performance ULTRA MS layer Ident. No. 320–327
HPC end mill with uneven helical and uneven pitch with edge protection chamfer
for rough machining and finish machining of stain- defined cutting edge rounding
less steel, titanium alloy, nickel and copper alloys. centre cutting
The uneven helical pitch means that vibrations on
the tool are reduced, which results in outstanding Ident. No. 320–327: HB straight shank Ident. No. 330–337
finished surfaces, while, at the same time, feed rates Ident. No. 330–337: HA straight shank
and cutting depths can be increased.
Execution: rough machining and finishing with just one tool
ultra-fine grain cemented carbide optimum suitability for trochoidal milling
with uneven helical and cutter distribution HPC geometry for maximum feed rates and running
(35/38°) smoothness
with clearance suitable for large cutting depths
Application Steel (N/mm ) 2 Stainless steel Alu Brass Bronze Plas- Graphite GG(G) Titan- Nickel- Super- Hard mat.
No. <700 <1000 <1300 marten. austen. short long short long short long tics G(C)FK GjMW alloy alloy alloy <55 HRC <65 HRC
16670320-327 140 130 70 60 70 60 70
16670330-337 140 130 70 60 70 60 70
Type VA VA
Tool holding device HA parallel shank HB parallel shank
Tolerance of cutting edge Ø e8 e8
Tolerance of shank Ø h6 h6
Z (PCS) fz steinl. 16670... 16670...
st. (mm) Ident. No. Ident. No.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
4 19 32 75 3.7 6 0.1 4 0.015 330 ● 320 ●
5 19 32 75 4.6 6 0.1 4 0.02 331 ● 321 ●
6 19 32 75 5.5 6 0.1 4 0.025 332 ● 322 ●
8 26 40 75 7.4 8 0.2 4 0.031 333 ● 323 ●
10 32 46 100 9.2 10 0.2 4 0.04 334 ● 324 ●
12 32 46 100 11 12 0.2 4 0.047 335 ● 325 ●
16 50 75 125 15 16 0.3 4 0.06 336 ● 326 ●
20 57 75 125 19 20 0.4 4 0.075 337 ● 327 ●
Prod. Gr. 152
Solid carbide HPC end mill
5 flutes, ULTRA MS-coated
MS 5 35°/38° γ = 10° 45°
Application: with clearance
HPC end mill with uneven helical and uneven pitch high-performance ULTRA MS layer
for rough machining and finish machining of stain- with edge protection chamfer
less steel, titanium alloy, nickel and copper alloys. defined cutting edge rounding
The uneven helical pitch means that vibrations on
the tool are reduced, which results in outstanding centre cutting
finished surfaces, while, at the same time, feed rates Ident. No. 340–347: HB straight shank
and cutting depths can be increased. Ident. No. 350–357: HA straight shank
Execution: Advantage:
ultra-fine grain cemented carbide optimum suitability for trochoidal milling
with uneven helical (35/38°) HPC geometry for maximum feed rates and running
with reinforced core smoothness
suitable for large cutting depths
Application Steel (N/mm ) 2 Stainless steel Alu Brass Bronze Plas- Graphite GG(G) Titan- Nickel- Super- Hard mat.
No. <700 <1000 <1300 marten. austen. short long short long short long tics G(C)FK GjMW alloy alloy alloy <55 HRC <65 HRC
16670340-347 140 130 70 60 70 60 70
16670350-357 140 130 70 60 70 60 70
Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
386 Technical data subject to change.
Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.