Page 180 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 180
1. System Integrity Test:
SIT has been carried out at 15 stations/locationsagonist the target of 30
2. Provision of Integrated LED’s:
726 no. of aged Modified LED aspects have been replaced with latest version
Integrated LEDs against 1050 no’s to improve reliability. (Cum: 6575 No’s)
3. Closure of Level crossing gates: 05(Interlocked: 03, & Non-Interlocked: 02)
LC 05E (HSP-KMTP), LC 65T (RECH yard), LC 93E (DKJ-PPY), LC 76E (SKZR-RLT) and
LC-118E (BKL-MTMI)Gates have been closed permanently in view of RUB duly
carrying out necessary alterations in selection circuits.
4. Provision of Guard starter indicator signal –(07 no of Locations)
Provided and commissioned Starter indicator for Guard (Starter indicator as per SR
3.26.5 of G & SR) at the following locations.
a. Gullaguda (GGD) - Up (PF-2) & DN (PF-1) loop line - 02
b. Mahbubabad (MABD) - Up loop line (PF-1) - 01
c. Warangal (WL) - UP & DN-Common loop line (PF-4)- 02
d. Dharur (DRR) - Up & DN loop line (S4 & S27) (PF 1 & 2)- 02
5. Relaxing the speed restriction at station reception (Home) signals:
a. At Vikarabad Branch line Home signal (S46) existing 15 KMPH speed restriction
for reception trains removed by providing Junction type Route with LED Matrix
indicator by modifying the selection circuit in place of stencil type Route
Indicator to enhance the speed in turn sectional capacity on 10.06.2022.
b. At Badrachalam Road station (BDCR) 15 KMPH speed restriction boards have
been shifted from Home signal No.BP1, BP2 & BP30 to Routing Home signal No.
08 & 09 with approved SIP to enhance the speed in turn sectional capacity on
c. At Parli(PRLI) station GTU end Up Home signal (S1) 15 KMPH speed restriction
board shifted to Routing Home S5 to enhance the speed in turn section
capacity on 11.08.2022
6. Reduction of Overlap Route release time:
At Lingampalli (LPI) station,the Overlap Route release time reduced to 60 sec. from
120 sec. to improve the traffic facilities duly carrying out necessary alterations in
selections circuit on 15.06.2022.
7. Provision of Safety Point Alarm: (2 stations)
Safety point alarms have been providedat PPZ (16/04) & SKZR (18/04) duly
carrying out the alterations of SPA to suit above 6 Roads /4096 bits Data logger to
improve safety.