Page 181 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 181
8. Improving the Clear standing room (one line):
At Gangadhara (GDRA) station, Loop line starter (S5) has been shifted duly shifting
the GJ to improve the CSR from 686 m. to 745 metersto improve the traffic
9. Replacement of aged / defective Point machines:
82 no. of aged / defective point machines against 115 no’sduehave been
replaced to improve safety and reliability.
10. Replacement of Block Instruments:
18 No. of Block Instrumentshave been replaced which are due for POH to
improve the safety.
11. Directed Maintenance:
At30 stations/ Locations, Directed maintenance has been carried out to improve
the signal gear maintenance.
12. Defective cable replacement:
43.23Km Defective cable has been replaced to improve signaling system
13. Replacement of aged/defective Secondary cells:
3523 nos. of different capacities aged secondary cells have been replaced to
improve reliability.
14. Cable meggering:
At106Locations/stations cable meggering has been done against 165 no’s to
improve the safety & reliability.
15. Replacement of Point machine Ground connections:
223 No. of Corroded Point Ground connections replaced with new to improve
safety and reliability.
16. Replacement of aged Relays:
About829 no. of aged / defective relays (329 No. of aged Track Relays& 500 no.
of Line relays) are replaced with new to improve the safety & reliability.