Page 182 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 182
17. Provision of AC for EI Relay rooms: (4-stations)
ACs have been provided and commissioned for EI station relay rooms at four (04)
stations to improve reliability. (YGL, NKD, JMKT, BGSF).
18. Replacement of damaged/corroded Junction boxes:
About 686 no. of defective/damaged Track & Point TLJBs replaced to improve
reliability & safety.
19. Provision of Earth Leakage detectors: (4 stations)
Provided and commissioned four no. of Earth Leakage detectors (ELDs) against 10
no. to improve reliability and safety (MAPA, SSLM, PGP and GLE)
20. Disposal of scrap:
About 166.048 MT of Scrap disposal done.
(Cumulative: Ferrous: 117.009 MT, Non-Ferrous: 49.039 MT, Total: 166.048 MT)
21. Major Track Improvement works with Engineering Department:
a. 1872 No. of Points UNIMAT machines packing attended with ENGG.
b. About 68Kms BCM machine block attended with ENGG. Staff duly protecting
signal assets and S&T cable.
c. 68 no. of Point Switches (TTRR-Tongue & stock rails) replaced to improve safety
& reliability.
d. Crossover corrections of Point:Point no. 52B shifted for 4.5 meters to improve the
crossover at Raghavapuram (RGPM) station to improve the safety and to
enhance the speed duly shifting Point machine, Point TLJB by extending Signal
cable on 24.05.2022.
1. Third Line commission works:
Third line Patch between Uppal and Bisgurshariff (OPL-BGSF) section (About 19.995
Kms) with the existing UP main line is designated as Bi-directional and new line
designated as Up line between OPL-JMKT &the DN main line is designated as
Bidirectional and new line designated as DN line between JMKT-BGSF by
Construction organization on 10/13/20.07.2022 to improve mobility.
a. Uppal (OPL) station: (DOC: 10.07.2022)
b. Jammikunta (JMKT) station: (DOC: 13.07.2022)
c. Bisgursharif (BGSF) station: (DOC: 20.07.2022)