Page 45 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 45

                                                             2021-22                 2022-23 (Upto Oct 22)
               S.No.   Item   Description of Item   Unit   Annual   Progress   Annual   Prop   Cum      % Progress
                                                                 Oct'21)   Target   target   progress   Prop target.
             1              Curved Switches       Nos     37        53       55      32.08      83        258.70
             2                 CMS Xings          Nos     30       103       41      23.92      87        363.76

             3             Thick web switches     Nos     200      155      200     116.67     154        132.00
             4             Fan Shaped layouts     Nos      0        0        0       0.00       11          -
             5             Ballast Procurement            2.5      1.25      2       1.17      0.718      61.54
             6            Overhauling of Track    KM      100     80.31     100      58.33     155.2      266.06
             7             Destressing of LWR     TKM     150     74.574    150      87.50     82.67      94.48
             8              Painting of Rails     TKM     150     206.38    150      87.50    176.79      202.05

             9              Joggling of welds     Nos    4000      1946     4000    2333.33    1453       62.27
                         Strengthening of Major
             10                                   Nos      8        36       2       1.17       15       1285.71
                           Bridge Approaches
             11         Scrap offered for Disposal   MT   10500    6872    13000    7583.33    7112       93.78

             12            Making up of Cess      TKM     12      38.735     20      11.67     31.01      265.80
             13         Provision of Trolley Refuges   Nos   150   250      150      87.50     110        125.71

             14               Tie Tamping         TKM    2700    1944.29    1350    787.50     985        125.08

             15                 UNIMAT           No.of   1200      750      3500    2041.67   2220.85     108.78
             16      TRACK MACHINES   Deep screening by   KMs   150   120.19   150   87.50    101.564     116.07
             17                  FRM              KMs     250     105.26    350     204.17    195.72      95.86
             18                  BRM              KMs    2200     500.35    2900    1691.67    1560       92.22
             19                  DGS              KMs    1650     182.2     1700    991.67    1149.42     115.91

                    LEVEL   CROSSING
             20         Elimination of Manned LCs   Nos   29        12       12      7.00       4         57.14

             21      BRIDGES   Rebuilding/Rehabilitation   Nos   12   1      23      13.42      8         59.63
                               Of Bridges
             22              Bridge painting     Sq.M    71541    45030    79413   46324.25   40570       87.58

                        Directed Maintenance of
             23                                   Nos     150      229       50      29.17     366       1254.86
                     BUILDINGS   mesh
             24           Provision of Mosquito   Nos     200      199      150      87.50     325        371.43

             25          Replacement of Doors&    Nos     100      168      100      58.33     154        264.00
             26         Rainwater Harvesting pits   Nos   20        12       10      5.83       6         102.86

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