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10 AAIConnect Issue 08 | June 2022
APD IN ACTION do a balancing act between
cost and benefit and manage
the show in an optimum way
SHRI RAKESH R SAHAY, Jt GM (ATM), Ex APD Raipur & Bagdogra Airport with the least expenditure.
The experience has taught me
the importance of teamwork,
adherence to timelines and
a disciplined approach to
work which permeates down
in the team. Team Time and
Discipline at work gave me
extraordinary results and the
team also gained confidence
of working independently and
meeting deadlines. The mantra
which I followed was “will make
a list of things to do and who
can do them for me” which
stood in strong stead during
my tenure as Airport Director.
I will suggest the APDs read
ome on, come on hurry beverage and retail outlets, the mission and vision of AAI
up we have to complete monitoring CAPEX targets and with serious intent and try to
Crunway inspection facilitating works by visit to implement it. Other starting
before the next flight lands in site of construction, conduct points can be going through the
20 minutes.” safety assessment of airside minutes of meetings chaired
Typical day of an Airport infra works, attending to HR by Chairman and other senior
Director usually begins with issues of the team and meeting officers to get a sense of the work
inspection of the operational regularly with commercial and which has to be taken up on
area along with his team finance to monitor the dues priority. Other important starting
consisting of departments position of parties providing points can be the MoU between
maintaining it viz. ATSEP, services at the airport. the Airports Authority of India
EE. EC, OPS & ATM. For any But, having experienced and the Ministry of Civil Aviation
Airport Director, who is also the vibrancy of operations for and the Corporate plan of AAI.
the accountable manager eight years as APD at Bagdogra It dawned upon me during my
to the regulator Directorate and later on at Raipur, I felt tenure that AAI wanted me
General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) that the most critical part to move up from being data
and Bureau of Civil Aviation of APDs work is to maintain collectors to analysing future
Security (BCAS), the focus is and enhance the Customer requirements and projecting
on compliance to all laid down Satisfaction Index (CSI) or the to senior management for
rules and regulations. In a day, Airport Service Quality (ASQ) allocation of funds which are
me and my team were required index by drilling down to the in short supply and have to be
to do diverse set of works from basics of 31 parameters and channelized judiciously. After
attending VIP movement to trying to improve upon each completing my APD tenure, I
addressing security challenges, and every point on a daily basis. return to my cadre a happy man
tendering for food and At every place, the APD has to ready for more challenges! ■