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             Issue 08 | June 2022                                                                    AAIConnect

                              NEWS BITS

              CSR Initiative of Imhal Airport
              Under the CSR initiative of AAI, Imphal Airport funded an
              artificial football turf ground at Langdang, Ukhrul Manipur and
              the project was implemented by NERCORMP/UDCRMS Ukhrul.
              Imphal Airport played a one-day friendly match with Ukhrul
              football club on 28th May 2022 to mark it commissioning.

                                                                                  Addition of New
                                                                                  Facility (Ambulift) at
                                                                                  Dehradun Airport
                                                                                  Dehradun Airport is now
                                                                                  equipped with Ambulift
                                                                                  facility. On 8th June 2022,
                                                                                  the airport provided this
                                                                                  service to a passenger
              जोरहाट हवाई अड् पर अवसर                                             of Vistara flight. The self-
              योजना का हवसतार                                                     propelled Ambulift facilitates
              भारतीय पवमानपत्तन प्राधरकरण की अवसर                                 the passengers with
              योजना को और वयापक रनाते हुए इसक                                     reduced mobility/Divyang
              तहत, असम क जोरहाट हवाई अडे पर एक                                    passengers. The vehicle
              सटा�ल खुला। असम राज्य ग्रामीण आजीपवका                               Body is equipped with
              धमशन क तहत सवय ं  सहायता समूहों का                                  Heating, Ventilation and Air
              सटा�ल 19 मई 2022 से जोरहाट हवाई                                     Conditioning to provide the
              अडे पर शुरू हुआ। जोरहाट क माननीय                                    optimum temperature with
              सा ं सद (राज्य सभा) श्ी. कामाक्ा तासा ने लजला आयु्त जोरहाट और राज्य सरकार क   floor panels to provide the
              अन्य वररष्ठ अधरकाररयों क सा् सटाल का दौरा भी पकया। उपसस्त सभी अपतध्यों ने   smooth movement of wheel
              एएआई द्ारा सवय ं  सहायता समूहों को पदए गए प्रयासों और अवसरों की सराहना की।  chairs and stretcher trolleys.
              Blood Donation Camp               Tree-plantation Drive
              at Udaipur Airport                at RHQ-NR/DATS
              A blood donation camp             Complex and FTC
              was organized at Udaipur          Regional Head Quarters
              Airport. During this, a total     (Northern Region) undertook
              of 32 units of blood was          tree-plantation drive across
              donated. There was a lot          three locations covering
              of enthusiasm among the           RED Administrative Block,
              youth who donated blood.          Fire Training Centre and
                                                NATS Complex. A total
                                                of 60 saplings of ‘Ashok
                                                Pendula’ were planted
                                                by senior officers of the
                                                region led by Shri Rajesh
                                                Neelkanth Shinde, RED-NR.
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