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4 AAIConnect Issue 08 | June 2022
AAI’s AVSAR Initiative Features
in “Mann Ki Baat” e-Book
AI was recently appreciated for
its newly introduced AVSAR
Ainitiative which is helping the
local artisans and SHG’s by providing
them opportunity to open their
outlets at AAI airports. In the recent
E-Book edition of Mann Ki Baat,
a column concerned to SHG was
published which appreciated
AAI for its AVSAR initiative.
AAI is performing
its bit to support the
local artisans and launched scheme
Self-Help Groups not only helps
by providing them empowering the
space inside the airport local workers but
premises to showcase also in promoting
and sell their handmade the state’s local culture. ■
products. The newly
Celebration of
International Yoga Day
he International Yoga Day was
celebrated at AAI Airports across
Tall the country on 21st June 2022
adhering to all COVID related health
protocols and safety norms. A massive
Yoga demonstration of more than 2,000
people was also organised at Gwalior
Fort, which was inaugurated by Shri
Jyotriaditya Scindia, HMCA.
The theme for this year IDY 2022
was “Yoga for Humanity” as it depicted
how during the peak of the COVID-19
pandemic, yoga served the humanity
in alleviating the suffering and in the
emerging post-COVID geo-political
scenario too, bring people together
through compassion, kindness, foster
a sense of unity and build resilience
among people world over. ■