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Issue 08 | June 2022 AAIConnect
AAI Registered its Presence in
World ATM Congress
AAI Chairman
Mr Sanjeev Kumar and
NATS CEO Mr Martin Rolf
irports Authority of India registered its CANSO DG and AAI Team
presence on World ATM Congress platform,
Athe world’s largest international air traffic
management (ATM) exhibition and a meeting
place for 6000+ ANS Experts from 110 countries.
Delegation led by Shri Sanjeev Kumar
Chairman AAI visited Madrid, Spain to attend
World ATM Congress between 21st and 23rdJune
2022 and the CANSO Executive Summit on
20th June 2022. During the visit, the delegation
attended the CANSO Executive Summit on Significant Meetings & Visits at the
20th June 2022 wherein the CANSO unveiled World ATM Congress
• Discussion on comprehensive 10-year
its Shared Vision for 2045. Chairman had a Communication, Navigation and Surveillance/Air
separate “sit-down-meeting” in which the two Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) modernisation
leaders discussed CANSO’s global vision and roadmap with Boeing team led by their Senior
Managing Director, Global Strategic Initiatives,
the upcoming CANSO APAC Regional summit Mr Malcom An, and Dr. Chip Meserole who leads
co-hosted by AAI in November 2022 at Goa, Boeing's Airspace Operational Efficiency team
within its Research and Technology division.
India. Chairman also had a meeting with the • NATS team headed by Mr. Martin Rolf, CEO. The
Ambassador of India to Spain H.E. Dinesh two heads and their teams discussed the near-term
K. Patnaik and briefed him regarding the collaboration through an MoU, which is under
consideration, between the two leading ANSPs of
developments in Indian Civil Aviation. the world, under the larger umbrella of the 2030
The participation and the knowledge gained Roadmap for India-UK future relations signed,
by the UK Prime Minister Mr. Boris Johnson and
from the Congress will definitely help in taking Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, in a virtual
well informed decisions on the Organization’s meeting on May 4, 2021. The two ANSPs are upbeat
about the prospective collaboration.
Chairman keenly ANS Road Map and Aviation System
inspecting the • Visited the booths of CANSO, ANSPs, OEMs,
capabilities of Block Upgrades. ANS Communication and Surveillance Service
Bluenest UAV
India is one of the providers, UTM Service and Software providers,
Procedure Designers and held discussions on
major ANSPs in emerging technologies and trends in Civil Aviation
the world and its with a particular focus on Air Navigation Services
contribution to Air • Visited the Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas Airport
Navigation Services AOCC, on the 23rd June, facilitated by Mr. Gustavo
has been lauded Asín, a Member of the Airport Management and
by global bodies Communication team. The AOCC which is the nerve
centre of Europe’s second largest and sixth busiest
including ICAO. ■ airport is a centre worthy of benchmarking.