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Issue 08 | June 2022 AAIConnect
oday, India ranks fourth globally, goes outside the airport premises
in terms of overall installed and the waste generated is processed
Trenewable energy capacity and & managed by deploying reuse and
is committed to meet 50 percent of its recycling methods.
energy requirements from renewable Working towards achieving
sources of energy and reduce total carbon neutrality, AAI Airports are
projected carbon emissions by one implementing best practices in carbon
billion tonnes by 2030. Contributing management. Our Leh Airport will be
to this objective of Hon’ble PM set in SHRI SANJEEV KUMAR an outstanding example in near-term
Chairman, AAI
COP26 Summit in Glasgow held in where efforts are being made to make
November 2021, as an environmentally- conscious the terminal building of the airport sustainable by
public sector enterprise, Airports Authority of maximizing Solar & Geothermal energy. A roadmap
India (AAI) has set the target for 100% usage of on Carbon Mapping & Mitigation has also been
Green Energy at airports by 2024. Our Airports devised, under which 26 airports are planned for
are working towards reducing energy intensity ACI Level-2 accreditation by Dec 2022 & ACI Level-
per unit in airport operations, reducing the 3+by Dec 2025, in the first phase.
dependence on grid electricity, diesel or fossil Recently, I had the opportunity of leading the
fuels and generating renewable energy through AAI team to Madrid, Spain to attend the CANSO
renewable energy sources. Executive Summit followed by the World ATM
Encouraging the usage of green energy Congress between 20th and 23rd June 2022. AAI is
at the airports, Solar plants with a combined a full member of CANSO and I am glad that CANSO
commissioned capacity of 40.33 MWp have been unveiled its Shared Vision for 2045 which talks
installed & commissioned at 43 AAI airport. Annually, about clearer skies, improvements in operational
AAI airports are generating nearly 980 lakh units efficiency and reductions in emissions, pollution
through solar power that has helped us reduce and fuel consumption. Subscribing to this vision, AAI
carbon footprint by 80,000 tCO2e (tonnes (t) of has successfully implemented Performance Based
carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent. Navigation, Air Traffic Flow Management, Flexible
It has also been decided to adopt green Use of Airspace through Civil Military Cooperation
building norms under GRIHA-5 for upcoming new and ATS Automation, which has been producing
airports & terminal buildings which will ensure huge dividends through reduced fuel burn and
the implementation of green building concept. consequently reduced emissions.
This includes sustainable site planning, water Our Airports and ANS sustainability enhancement
management, use of eco-friendly biodegradable initiatives by embracing innovative products and
& energy efficient material in design & construction procedures have already started bearing fruits
of airport infrastructure. Our Airports are and this has increased AAI’s resolve to continual
also establishing comprehensive solid waste improvements in this area which will contribute to
management system to ensure that no waste the Nation’s goals on sustainable development. ■
Solar Plant at Trichy
International Airport