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6    AAIConnect                                                                         Issue 08 | June 2022

                              NEWS BITS

                                                                                             Is it a Whale?
                                                                                             Is it a Plane?
                                                                                             It's the
                                                                                             Say hello to
                                                                                             the majestic
                                                                                             giant the Airbus
                                                                                             Beluga which
                                                                                             landed after
                                                                                             a long gap at
                                                                                             Kolkata Airport.

              नताजी सुभाष च ं द्र बसु
              अ ं तरराष् ट् ीय हवाई अड् पर ह ि हदी   Hon'ble MoS for Civil Aviation
                                                Visited Chennai Airport
              काय्यशाला का आयोजन
              नेताजी सुभार चंद्र रसु अंतरराष्ट रि ीय हवाई   General V. K. Singh, Hon'ble Minister
                                                of State for Civil Aviation visited
              अडा, कोलकाता में 25 मई, 2022      Chennai Airport. He was apprised
              को एक पदवसीय प ्र हदी कायजाशाला का   on the status of ongoing Chennai
              आयोजन पकया गया। इस कायजाशाला      Airport Modernization phase II
              में 12 अधरकाररयों एवं 10 कमजाचाररयों   works, aimed to meet the increasing
              सपहत क ु ल 22 काध ्मकों को प्रशशलक्षत   passenger volume. A comprehensive
              पकया गया। पूर पदन चली इस कायजाशाला   presentation on AAI Chennai
              में चार सत्ों में पवधभन्न पवरयों पर तीन   Airport and ongoing works were
              वयाखयाताओं द्ारा वयाखयान पदए गए।  given to the Hon’ble Minister.

              Cycling Event- ‘Pedal to Protect the Environment’                   One More Step Closer-
              Chennai Airport organized a cycling rally today, envisaged to       Hollongi Airport on
              spread awareness on the environment, celebrating 75 years           Aviation Map of India
              of Indian Independence. The cycle rally commenced from              A mobile ATC tower reached
              Domestic Departure and took the GST road till Kathipara Flyover     Hollongi Airport site on 29th
              before returning to culminate at the T-4 terminal. The rally        May 2022. The work for entire
              had zealous participation of Cycling communities of Chennai         greenfield airport is in full
              Cyclists, Chennai Cycling club, and the AAI team joining them.      swing and is expected to be
                                                                                  completed by August 2022.
                                                                                  The mobile ATC tower was
                                                                                  erected and commissioned
                                                                                  on 17th June 2022.
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