Page 51 - Issue 63_FINAL WEB normal_Neat
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struggle in the National 12 in Essex in 1967. This Ken Platts, recorder and age records secretary, was
was won by Roy Cromack from Pete Smith and with very critical of those who travelled miles and spent
John Watson third - all were members of Clifton CC much money to improve their performance, but then
and their mileages were 268, 266 and 265. The did not appear to be interested in claiming to back
most moving picture in The Veteran, which must up even for national team awards. All were agreed -
have brought a tear to many an eye, was the one of what can one say?
Richard Bideau with George Nowland's lovely It was encouraging that all officials stood for re-
ladies, Val, Sue and Janet. George stood out as a election, but a new awards secretary will be needed
flamboyant personality, not only in dress but for the soon. The AGM which followed was enlivened by
bright light he shone into the VTTA. The NLTTA the attendance of Kevin and Denese Hallahan, from
100, in which the VTTA National 100 was Wisbech on the periphery of our territory and Kevin
incorporated, was rightly his memorial event.
has kindly offered to take over as awards secretary
Moving on to the present and the strange results of about September 2020, when they will have more
this strange season. At our recent committee free time - so ends the year.
meeting, which preceded the AGM, it was a shock I have been asked to mention the prizegiving
to hear that our TT secretary, John Golder, was in luncheon on Sunday 9th February 2020. It is again
hospital following a fall when out riding and had at the Roseberry Hotel, Eriswell. Details from Keith
needed hip surgery. John's partner Chris, group Dorling on 07595 151315. See you there.
secretary, had been at his hospital bed all night, so
it was a different meeting without these two key I will wrap up with greetings to members and old
figures. However the group is financially sound, friends and may 2020 be good to you and with
benefitting from the cancelled events, and plenty of good times.
membership is holding up at 408, against 410 in
2018 and 400 in 2017.
Gavin Hinxman was our Man of the Year, sweeping Ian Turner
all before him on his high tech aerodynamic trike,
taking a host of records and awards. It has been The Group's AGM was held on Sunday 17
reported that nothing like it has previously been seen November at Lenham Community Hall. The
north of the Border (or anywhere else for that matter), meeting was attended by nine members, including
but this colourful combination may not be seen again eight committee members. The election of officers
following his announcement of retirement. and committee members for 2020 resulted in the
following individuals being elected:
For the first time ever there were no claims for the President - Carole Gandy (replacing Mark Vowells
BAR contest. with five major trophies going who comes to the end of his Presidency this year);
unclaimed; the remainder are equally shared Vice Presidents - Peter Baker, Bob Giles and Ian
between chairman Andrew Grant and Jackie Field. Turner; Chair - Mark Vowells; Vice-Chair - John
Andrew takes the 3 Distance Competition from Hawkridge; General Secretary - Carole Gandy;
Peter Horsnell, holder for the last 5 years, although Treasurer - Chris Bax; Social Secretary - Tom
the latter got his own back by winning the Short Morton; Time Trial Secretary - Robert Giles;
Distance Competition. Keith Dorling was third and Recorder and Reporter - Ian Turner; KVN Editor -
Jackie Field was best lady. Martin Reynolds broke Neil Quarmby; Committee Members - Dave Wright,
in to win the 10 mile points (for 2020 only 4 of the 7 Anthony Bee and Paul Mepham; Accounts
events will count for the 10 league), with Jackie Examiner - Andy McCall; KCA Delegates - Bob
again the ladies winner. Becky Taylor put her name Giles and Tom Morton; CTT Delegates - Carole
on the 12 hour cup with a splendid +74.474 miles.
Gandy and Tom Morton; National VTTA Delegates -
Matt Smith took the two open events, for the Bob Giles and Tom Morton.
Stourvale Shield and the even more imposing Leo A vote of thanks to Mark Vowells for his Presidency
'George Hicks' Memorial. for the last three years was proposed and passed
Claims have been put in for nine national records unanimously.
and by the time this is read we shall hear whether
they have been ratified.