Page 55 - Issue 63_FINAL WEB normal_Neat
P. 55

Haddenham Village Hall as HQ, due to the more  National BAR, the Butterworth Cup for the 3
       used Longwick Hall not being available.  Distance Competition and the 3 Distance Shield for
                                             "local" courses.
       Currently it seems that the July 10 on the F11 may
       be using the school rather than Aylesbury Rugby  Ian Peacock takes the Lamp Trophy as the last
       Club as HQ due to another event using the Club.  group member in the 3 Distance Competition.
       Many of you will know that this year’s Rocco 25 had  The 25-mile Championship Cup will go to Darren
       to be cancelled on the morning due to the  Maironis (Transition Race Team), he'll also receive
       headquarters not being opened as agreed with the  the Ted Ward Memorial Championship Cup plus the
       owners.  The committee are still attempting to get  FTA Trophy.
       some compensation for this, and even a proper  The Memorial Handicap Shield winner is Alan
       apology and explanation would be nice!  Anyway,  Roberts.
       with this matter still unresolved,  combined with the
       great difficulty of finding enough marshals for this  The 3 Distance Watterson Team Shield winners:
       course has prompted the L&HC committee to move  Alan Chorley, Adrian Hughes (Seamons CC).
       the event back to the Amersham Road – seen by  Alan Chorley also takes the Short Distance Trophy, for
       many as its traditional home.         best on standard in two open 10s and two open 25s.
       With thanks to Geoff Perry for providing all of the  David complimented the VTTA IT Manager, Jon
       results and some of the content.      Fairclough, for his work on publishing our group's
                                             age records on the website.  David also proposed
                                             that the fees for standards attempts for next year,
          MANCHESTER & NORTH WEST            remain the same as 2019, ie. £15 to cover any
                    Ken Workman              number of attempts at any or all distances on a
       The group AGM was once again held on  single machine.
       Remembrance Sunday, 10th November, with 16  The Secretary Nev Ashman reported that although
       members attending.  The meeting paused at 11.00am,  the group is in general good health, both financially
       for a minute's silence to honour those who had fallen in  and racing-wise, we were only able to welcome one
       armed conflicts; also remembered were those group  new member since the last magazine - Steven
       members who had passed away this year.  Johnson.  Nev advised that membership figures
       Our Recorder, David Wright's report stated he was  were slightly down this year and suggested a
       delighted we have enjoyed a successful year, with  recruitment drive.  With enhanced relations between
       members achieving 28 standards awards.  An increase  us and the Manchester & District TTA, their 20
       in interest in setting age records saw the following six  'Cheshire Series' events would present
       riders set these nine new group age records: Tracy  opportunities to raise our profile to riders over 40.
       Rowlinson (54) updated three group age records at 25,  Nev stated that we have 38 group members aged
       30 and 50 miles; while Alan Chorley, aged 47 and 48  over 80, who he wrote to, inviting them to our AGM
       respectively, did the same at 25 and 30 miles.  Adrian  and the Luncheon/Prize Presentation.  Those who
       Hughes (52) and Darren Maironis (46) updated the 25  responded, like 90 year old Fred Nightingale from
       mile figures.  On his trike, and at the age of 72, Alan  Cheshire, were grateful we were trying to keep them
       Shuttleworth; and 85 year-old Derek Hodgins, both  involved, but many now find it difficult to travel.
       updated the 50 mile records.          Many of these old acquaintances would really
       David Wright also named those members due to  appreciate a visit, not just around Christmas, but
       receive awards at our group Luncheon/Prize  throughout the year.  If any member has lost
       Presentation at Middlewich Masonic Hall on Sunday  another's contact details, it would be easy for a
       24th November, as follows:            group Secretary to look them up.
       Adrian Hughes (Seamons CC) will again be the  In my own report as News Editor, having taken over
       major prize-winner.  He retains the Stan Livingston  part way through the year I complimented my
       Memorial Trophy as our group BAR Champion on  predecessor, Jim Ogden, for his remarkable 43 year
       "local" courses.  Adrian also takes the Bert Starkey  stint.  I commented that if I were to merely equal
       Shield as our highest placed member in the VTTA

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