Page 56 - Issue 63_FINAL WEB normal_Neat
P. 56
Jim's length of service, I would need to be the group prostate cancers, but it can be a good indication. If
scribe until I reached the age of 116. prostate cancer can be found in its early stages
there is an excellent chance it can be eradicated,
Edgar Reynolds, presented a comprehensive report
of his first full year as our Treasurer, stating that our but if it remains undetected it can spread throughout
assets of £6,129.29 were pari passu with the your body, sometimes without obvious symptoms.
preceding year. Of course, prostate cancer can indirectly affect
wives of cyclists, who will surely suffer its knock-on,
All those committee members and officials who but no less traumatic effects.
indicated their willingness to continue were re-
elected. I occasionally read, and post, on the Time Trialling
Forum (TTF) website where I recently enjoyed a 32
In Any Other Business, the meeting accepted Mike minute Youtube video showing the VTTA Wessex
Cotgreave's proposal that the committee consider 50 mile event from 3rd July 1977. Other viewers
moving the group AGM date away from commented on its nostalgia value, showing vets
Remembrance Sunday. riding steel frame bikes on empty roads, with an
As a final note on the AGM, thanks must also be absence of Lycra and pointy helmets. This ageing
offered to Billie, the wife of our group chairman, technophobe has tried without success to include a
Tony Farrell, for again dispensing hot drinks and link to the video, so to view it you'll need to get onto
toasted hot cross buns. the TTF site, navigate to the Main Topic Area, then
scroll through the topic headings to click onto "Time
I had been awaiting this edition to highlight the Trialling 1977. Great video." Enjoy. (Editor's note -
exploits of the late S.P.V. (Stan) Bray of Solihull CC, What's the problem Ken, the link is
who for nearly 50 consecutive seasons had an
incredible record of never failing to finish an event -
including some at 24 hours! However, I recently If I leave this comment to the next issue, it will
became aware of the record of 'our' Trevor perhaps be slightly unfair on the organisers of early
Bracegirdle, who has just competed in his 65th season events, but it's that eternal topic of getting
consecutive racing season - including 40 years as a people to help with events. It's probably true that
Vet! Trevor started racing in 1955 with the Stretford every one of us has benefited from people standing
Wheelers and has ridden up to and including 12 on (sometimes windy and rainy) corners so we can
hours. Those are eye-watering achievements, enjoy our sport. An event organiser's job is
leaving me to wonder how many racing miles he sometimes a thankless one, and they deserve every
has amassed? In an effort to perhaps stimulate assistance, so please consider making it less
some friendly inter-group rivalry, I'd venture to onerous by volunteering, preferably in advance.
suggest that vets from other groups who are still Should 'The Veteran' drop onto your doormat in
competing, will need to furnish some heavy duty time, apart from my exhortations to take care on the
statistics to top those of Trevor Bracegirdle! Both road, my last words this year must be to wish
Trevor and Stan are an example to us all. everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy,
Nev Ashman has asked me to include some words safe and prosperous New Year.
about prostate cancer. It is a subject he feels very
strongly about and wants to put the message across MERSEYSIDE
at every opportunity. There is some evidence to
show that regular cycling increases the risk of Geoff Edgerton
prostate cancer, but the overall benefits of regular The Group held its AGM in early November. We
exercise can outweigh the possible causal factors. decided to have a change of venue and time to try
Nev strongly recommends our male members have and attract more members to attend but sadly this
a simple, annual PSA blood test. This can be done did not really work. We did have a handful of
at your Health Centre, often without the need for a apologies and a couple of lads from En Velo CC
doctor’s appointment, but you may wish to talk to club attended, which we appreciated. Overall the
your GP about it beforehand. The PSA (prostate- group is in good shape with a really active cycling
specific antigen) blood test helps to detect prostate membership. We are the smallest group number
cancer. It is not perfect and will not detect all wise but have one of the highest number of