Page 9 - Mousy Mouse Has a Bad Day
P. 9

Mousy had been moping around for a few days feeling sorry for herself. Every time I saw her, I made some joke or smart remark but she just continued looking sad.
I decided I would follow her around for a while just to see if she would get herself out of her bad mood.
The next day was Thursday, spelling test day, at Rattier Elementary, where Mousy went to school.
Mousy had studied very hard and was well prepared on this Thursday. The words on the test were the usual, like cat ... everyone usually got that one right.
The others were words like cheddar, swiss, mozzarella, parmesan and some really hard ones like, limburger. They are mice after all. Mousy thought she had done very well on the test. Usually she would miss two or three of the twenty words and make a “B” or a “B+” but today she was sure that she had not missed any.
At the end of the day the teacher, Ms. Ratchet, always announced those who had made a 100% or A+ and she would then pass out the test. Ms. Ratchet stood before the class and said, “The following students made 100% on their spelling test “Marvin, Marie, Michael, Margaret, Morgan and Monica.”

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