Page 137 - Livro_Inglês
P. 137
José Paulo – Ideal Decision José Paulo – Ideal Decision
1 – Personal pillar
In this pillar you must be committed to your physical health 3 – Family pillar
first, observing the practice of physical activities on a regular basis. Family is the base of society, affection between members is
It does not have to be anything intense, just a consistent 30-minute paramount, harmony at home and, most importantly, dialogue
walk daily, for example, and the result will be satisfactory.
between family members without prejudging or pointing fingers.
Your diet should be regulated and healthy, especially nowadays Lasting relationships are guided by love and respect, as well as lis-
when there are fast food restaurants everywhere, and the rhythm tening and talking, this is vital for a healthy family environment.
the day prevents you from eating meals at the right time. So, pay Your home must be a refuge of peace.
attention to this, determine a simple and healthy menu and condi- It is essential to care for children’s education, for the well-being
tion yourself to eat at the right times. of your partner and respect for the elderly, after all, they are the
Rest is also essential for your daily routine; a good night’s sleep reason for the existence of our family. Quick conflict resolution,
invigorates you for the next day. So, avoid sleeping too late and a frank chat about sexuality, as well as having quality time with
using electronic devices before bed, so it will be possible to have everyone.
an average of eight hours of sleep, which is important for anyone. Many families suffer from a lack of financial education, everyo-
Strictly following these three points (exercise, food, and rest), ne’s role in this area must be well defined, everyone must know
you will have the energy to balance the other “plates”. how much income the family generates, and everyone must colla-
borate to the extent of their responsibility
2 – Professional pillar A beautiful meaning for the word HOME is a place of Love
and Respect!
It is from this pillar that you extract your livelihood from and
achieve your dreams, so to be balanced in this area, several conside-
rations are necessary, for example, you need to evaluate your career 4 – Financial pillar
to see if you want to achieve new positions, if your work is in line If you have this pillar well defined, you can guide your life
with your life purpose; the professional ecosystem must be healthy when it comes to a lifestyle. I always advise people to live two steps
and always provide you with knowledge and growth.
below what they earn and thus manage to balance their accounts
Be attentive with the culture of the company you work for, and save money.
always try to keep updated in your area, recycle your knowledge What you must know clearly is if your family’s income allows
to have current skills, attend trainings and lectures, read a lot and you to have a comfortable life or if it needs a big saving in order
never be afraid of entrepreneurship. And remember: if you want to to survive. If it is the second option, it is necessary to find alter-
achieve your dreams, work is how you will do it. natives to enhance financial management and to increase the total
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