Page 134 - Livro_Inglês
P. 134

José Paulo –  Ideal Decision

                                                                                                                                   THE IDEAL WAY:

                                                                                                                     BALANCE FOR A HAPPY LIFE

                                                                                            Well, we are arriving at the end of our journey and it has been
                                                                                         great to be with you this far, but I want to finish this book by con-
                                                                                         tributing not only to your professional life, but also to share with
                                                                                         you my conception of a happy life.

                                                                                            Once I read a book by Paul J. Meyer about the wheel of life and
                                                                                         it taught me that if I have balance in all areas of life, I can have
                                                                                         success and tranquility to walk.

                                                                                            You may have already seen an equilibrist of rotating plates, he
                                                                                         balances the plate on a wand, rotates the plate and keeps it spin-
                                                                                         ning, moves on to the next, and so on; the goal is not to drop and
                                                                                         break any plates, so when one starts to unbalance the equilibrist
                                                                                         goes back to it and rotates it again.
                                                                                            Imagine your life is shared in seven areas: Personal, Professio-
                                                                                         nal, Family, Financial, Social, Cultural and Spiritual, and each area
                                                                                         is a plate you must equilibrate. To keep the plates from falling you
                                                                                         must always keep an eye in the ones losing balance and pay special
                                                                                         attention to it, spinning it again to keep it safe.

                                                                                            Any area of  our life that is out of balance interferes directly
                                                                                         with other areas and you end up not living the fullness of your
                                                                                         life. Now I invite you to reflect with me on the seven areas below,
                                                                                         divided by seven pillars.

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