Page 139 - Livro_Inglês
P. 139
José Paulo – Ideal Decision José Paulo – Ideal Decision
income. med. I respect all cultures; I am talking about harmful content
Have a clear financial planning, try to invest, pay attention to subliminally inserted in the materials.
entrepreneurship options, and always think ahead for the short Watch movies and plays, go to museums and galleries, go to
and long term, because when age comes you will need financial parks with family and friends, and take small trips to get to know
safety. historical places. This will help enrich your soul and your life ex-
5 – Social pillar
Here we are talking about the environment in which we live, 7 – Spiritual pillar
how much my life impacts on the lives of people who live with You already know my belief, my faith in Christ is what gives my
me, in my community, in society, in my country and in the world. life meaning. Everyone seeks a meaning for their life, I emphasize
If each one of us does our part, we will have a better world, it can again that I respect all creeds, but within what I believe there are
be through volunteer work, community actions, citizenship, and some points to live spiritual fullness:
civic actions.
• Understand and live my faith with acts based on the princi-
Social assistance is important and noble, but our actions must ples of my belief (in my case, biblical principles);
be, within our possibilities, to take people away from their current • Maintaining my values in line with these principles;
situation and to give them tools to develop a new life.
• To give God control over my life;
Also, evaluate your colleagues and friends, the good moments,
if they are healthy for you, try to be with people who can add to • To take care with my Body, Soul and Spirit;
your personal growth and who hope for your success. • To meditate daily about the principles;
• To say a prayer daily;
6 – Cultural pillar • To keep love for others alive;
To spare some time to do what you like is essential, I am used • To offer support to the orphan and the widow;
to say it oxygenates the brain. Sometimes in everyday life, dedica- • To be a peacemaker wherever I am.
ting to work and general worries do not give you time for yourself.
Your life cannot be boring; do not feel forced to do what you do
not want to in your free time. There can be no lack of emotion Solomon used to say: “A happy heart makes the face cheerful”,
and relaxation. so we must take care of our core, our emotions and our spirit. I,
Nowadays, you must take care with the content to be consu- for example, am sure of eternal life after my mission in this Earth
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