Page 3 - Bulletin Vol 27 No 2 - May - Aug. 2022 FINAL
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Mission Statement
The mission of the Nassau County Dental Society - to encourage the improvement of the health of the public, to promote
the art and science of dentistry, to represent the interests of the members of the profession, and the public which it serves.
The Bulletin is the official publication of the
Nassau County Dental Society. Readers should be
aware that articles published herein are for informational
purposes only and the Nassau County Dental Society
makes no representation as to their accuracy. Opinions
expressed by the authors do not necessarily represent
the policies of the Nassau County Dental Society or the
Bulletin. Acceptance of advertising in the Bulletin does
Nassau County Dental Society not constitute an endorsement by the Nassau County
Dental Society. The Nassau County Dental Society
377 Oak Street Suite 204 reserves the right to reject any copy. As a matter of
Garden City, NY 11530 policy, it does not accept advertisements for any product
Tel. (516) 227-1112 Fax: (516) 227-1114 classified as “Unacceptable” by the Council on Dental
email: Therapeutics of the ADA.
Annual NCDS subscription rate (3 issues) of $30.00 is
Donald R. Hills, DDS included in members’ yearly dues. Subscription rate for
Editor-in-Chief non-members is $75.
Eugene G. Porcelli, DDS We welcome submissions. Direct all communications to
Executive Director
Submit material for publication six weeks prior to the
Katia L. Discua month of publication. Requests for advertising rates and
Executive Assistant media kits should be directed to:
2022 Officers
Joseph Brofsky, DMD, President Published 3 times a year by NCDS. Periodicals Postage
Stephen Akseizer, DDS, President-Elect is at Garden City, NY. (USPS No. 013-156)
Douglas Schildhaus, DMD, Vice-President Additional entry at Bethpage, NY.
Elyse Patrella, DDS, Secretary
Donald R. Hills, DDS, Treasurer POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
Bulletin of the Nassau County Dental Society
377 Oak Street, Suite 204, Garden City, NY 11530
Nassau County Dental Society ⬧ (516) 227-1112 | 3