Page 6 - Bulletin Vol 27 No 2 - May - Aug. 2022 FINAL
P. 6
Message from the President
A happy end to summer to all our member dentists. Any President’s impact is
tethered to the individual actions of our members and their willingness to do their
part to sustain the dental society’s energy. This past year has been a testament to
the hard-working members of Nassau County Dental Society and to those who
volunteer their time and resources to help our society. Thanks to all.
I love summertime because it reminds me of my youth, going upstate to the
bungalow colonies, not worrying about school, relaxing, playing and having fun. As
a pediatric dentist the summer season was also my quiet time in the office. I
always said my job was seasonal. When kids are home and off from school, we are
busy, but when summer comes, and kids are away at sleep away camp it is nice and quiet.
In June the NYSDA House of delegates met in upstate Saratoga and our delegation had a great time.
We met for three days and numerous important resolutions were passed which will help all our
member dentists. The Nassau County Dental Society golfers came up short in the golf tournament but
had lots of fun trying to bring home the gold. Both foursomes played well, dodging large raindrops,
opening and closing the umbrellas throughout the day. A Main Street parade honoring Flag Day took
place that weekend and many in our group enjoyed watching the locals marching with their flags. It was
a nice event that brought back many fond memories.
We are presently planning for our upcoming meetings and events including the ADA Convention in
Houston, Texas. The Houston meeting may be the largest dental meeting in the world. Everything is
bigger in Texas. We hope to elect Suffolk County’s own Dr. Paul Leary to be the next ADA president.
We are all excited about his chances, good luck to Paul.
In Houston Texas another friend of ours, Dr. Jeffrey B Dalin, will receive the ADA’s 2022 Humanitarian
Award for co-creating the ADA’s 20 years old signature access to care program Give Kids A Smile. Give
Kids A Smile has put Nassau County Dental Society on the National Map! We have been recognized for
our success each year helping thousands of kids, kids who need us the most.
With the completion of our office renovation, we plan to have all meetings back in Oak Street in
September. Thanks to our Executive Director, Dr. Eugene Porcelli, for all his hard work getting us
through the construction of our new headquarters.
I hope to see all our members at our next General Membership meeting which takes place at The
Jericho Terrace in Mineola. The lecture planed on Oral and Pharyngeal Carcinomas will be given by Dr.
John Keene. Please join us from 6:30 to 9:30 on October 3 .
I hope you all had a great Summer and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Joe Brofsky
2022 NCDS President
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