Page 9 - Bulletin Vol 27 No 2 - May - Aug. 2022 FINAL
P. 9
In Our Society | 2022 NYSDA HOD
The 2022 NYSDA House of Delegates was held in Saratoga Springs, NY June 8 -12. Of the many resolutions
presented and discussed, two were introduced by NCDS. One was to introduce a resolution for a change
in parliamentary procedure at the ADA House of Delegates. The other was to rename the NYSDA
Distinguished Service Award to the Dr. Mark J. Feldman Distinguished Service Award. Both resolutions
were passed unanimously. Outgoing NYSDA President, Dr. Kevin Henner was honored, as were the
incoming NYSDA officers: Dr. James Galati, President; Dr. Anthony Cuomo, President-Elect; Dr. Prabha
Krishnan, Vice-President; Dr. Frank Barnashuk, Secretary/Treasurer; and Dr. Steve Gounardes, Speaker of
the House. Dr. Mark Feldman was also honored in a video tribute as well as posthumously receiving both
the NYSDA Distinguished Service Award and The William Jarvie and Harvey J. Burkhart Award, the first
time one member has received both awards in the same year. At the Pierre Fauchard Academy luncheon
two NCDS members, Dr. Binod Verma and Dr. Howard Weiner were inducted as Fellows of the Academy
and Dr. David Miller received the Pierre Fauchard Academy’s 2022 Distinguished Service Award.
Nassau County Dental Society ⬧ (516) 227-1112 | 9