Page 8 - Bulletin Vol 27 No 2 - May - Aug. 2022 FINAL
P. 8
Message from the Executive Director (cont.)
classes scheduled and don’t forget our General Membership Meetings in October and November which
takes place at the Jericho Terrace. Come for the CE, for the comradery, or the good food. We’ve been
getting good reviews for the new menu there! Check out all the CE listed on page 20 and register by
going to our website:
In our last issue, I made a request of our members. That was to invite at least one non-member to our
General Membership Meeting or one of our courses. That request still stands! Normally a non-member
would be charged to attend one of our courses or our General Membership Meeting. However, if they
are attending as your guest, all you need to do is send me an email with their name and what event they
will be attending with you, and I will get them registered at no charge. Please let me know ahead of time
by emailing me at: And by all means, introduce them to me when you
arrive. This is vital if we want to attract new members to keep our Society invigorated and relevant.
Finally, have you ever considered becoming more active in the Society that represents your profession?
Our Board members and Committee members take their positions seriously and do what they can to
keep us current and relevant. But what we really need is some new perspectives from members who
have been sitting on the sidelines. This is especially true of our younger dentists. Times, attitudes, and
practice models are changing, and we need the input of those dentists most involved in this change. To
the young dentist, I say get involved, help shape your future and your profession. You will benefit most
as the Society fights for you. Don’t let the politicians, lawyers, and insurance companies dictate how you
practice and how much you earn. You will be practicing long after most of our current leaders have
retired. It is imperative to your profession and your career for you to help the Society and mold it into
what you need it to be in the mid-21st century. When I entered practice, the solo practitioner was king.
I remained in that practice model until I retired. I’m a dinosaur bound for extinction. The new
generation needs to get involved to help build the profession in your image. Even though we try to get
the information out there, I believe the vast majority of members, and for sure non-members, haven’t a
clue as to what’s going on behind the scenes and how much organized dentistry is involved in protecting
your livelihood. Contact me. Call or email. Chat with me at a General Membership Meeting or course.
Become part of our Board of Directors, join a committee, become a leader of YOUR generation!
Stay well,
Gene Porcelli
8 | Nassau County Dental Society ⬧