Page 7 - Bulletin Vol 29 No 1 - Jan. - Apr. 2024 IN PROGRESS2
P. 7

Message from the Executive Director:


                                    Why did you become a dentist?  I’m sure the answer to that question is as
                                    varied  as  our  membership.    Why  did  you  become  a  member  of  organized
                                    dentistry?  That question, I’m sure, has various answers as well, just not as
                                    many as the first.  There are three main reasons I believe: It was just expected
                                    of us, for the perks, or to support our profession, support our practices and
                                    improve our livelihood.  Why did you stay a member?  For the vast majority of
                                    long-time loyal members, the answer, hands down, is the last choice.  You saw
                                    the  importance  of  organized  dentistry  in  helping  to  shape  and  protect  our
                                    profession.  And by doing so, it helped you to become more successful.
           Discounts  are  nice;  NYSDA  and  the  ADA  provide  dozens  of  them.  Only  members  can  receive  these
           benefits, yet discounts are not the main reason to belong.  It is the clout of our organization; being heard
           in Washington, Albany, and other state capitals that is most important.  ADA and NYSDA fight to pass
           legislation important to dentistry and fight to block legislation which would be detrimental to us.   It’s the
           strength of the ADA that persuaded insurance companies to use one single standardized claim form.  A

           form designed by dentists and the ADA.  I’m old enough to remember when each company had their
           own unique form. The ADA also got insurers to universally accept ADA designed CDT codes.  The research
           the  ADA  does  in  oral  care  products,  making  sure  they  are  safe  and  effective,  creates  a  desire  for
           manufacturers to follow the ADA guidelines to receive  the ADA Seal of Approval logo on their products.
           All  of  this,  and  more,  exists  because  of  our  members.    By  being  members,  you  have  advanced  and

           protected your profession.
           But the sad fact is, the non-member also benefits from your dedication to improving your profession. It’s

           an aggravating truth.  One of the ways the ADA is helping fight this is with Find-A-Dentist. Find-A-Dentist
           is a website dedicated to driving the public to select an ADA member dentist.  Locally, the Nassau County
           Dental  Society,  in  partnership  with  the  Suffolk  County  Dental  Society,  is  helping  to  raise  the  public’s
           awareness of the member dentist by running ads on News 12, YouTube, Bravo, and the Food Network.
           These ads help the public understand the difference between member and non-member dentists and

           drives patients to the Find-A-Dentist website.  What can you do?  If you are a general dentist, ONLY refer
           to  member  specialists.    If  you  are  a  specialist,  on  the  occasion  where  you  have  to  refer  to  another
           specialist, or your patient is looking for a new general dentist, ONLY refer them to a member. If you are
           hiring an associate, make membership a condition of employment. Not only is all this simple, it is also
           effective.  Why would you support a non-member? They are just freeloading off your dedication and
           dues dollars.  Put a stop to it!

           I’ll  get  off  my  soapbox  now  and  remind  you  that  we  have  a  couple  of  great  events  coming  up  in
           September.    The  first  is  Sunday,  September  15,  2024,  Our  Walk  for  Oral  Cancer  Awareness  at  the
           Bethpage State Park picnic area. Check-in is 8:00-8:45 AM and the walk starts at 9:00 AM.  This is open to

                                                                                                Continued on Page 8
                                              Nassau County Dental Society ⬧  (516) 227-1112  |  7
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