Page 17 - Desert Oracle April 2021
P. 17

Specialty Care and All Other   17.4   16.0  37.3   30.1  35.0  47.5  42.7  38.7  34.6  37.7  39.3    36.7

          Completed Appts - New - Average Wait Time

          Completed - New - Create - Average Wait Time by Appointment Date and Primary Stop Clinic Group ((5V22) (649)
          Northern Arizona HCS)

                                     Apr-   May- Jun-    Jul-   Aug-  Sep-   Oct-  Nov- Dec-    Jan-   Feb-   Mar-
          Primary Stop Clinic Group   FY20  FY20  FY20  FY20  FY20  FY20  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21

          Mental Health                5.8    9.0   9.3    6.8   6.2    8.4   9.8  14.4  11.7     7.7  10.6   10.4

          Primary Care                10.3    9.8  14.9  12.4  13.1  16.1  17.0  18.1  15.5  11.9  11.4       19.0
          Specialty Care and All Other   4.9   3.5  21.7  19.3  19.7  30.1  25.3  22.4  21.5  16.3  16.4      22.5

        VA Video Connect (VVC) Data (as of 03/31/2021):
            •  For FY21, NAVAHCS has provided 11,822 VVC appointments for Veterans. Although the
               COVID numbers are decreasing, we are expecting Veterans to continue to utilize VVC
               services in-lieu of face-to-face appointments and are anticipating further expansion of services.

        Veteran VA Medical Care Debts
            •  The VHA Office of Community Care, Revenue Operations Payer Relations and Services,
               Rates and Charges announced the publication of RIN 2900 - AQ69 - 38 CFR 17.101, VA’s
               Final Rule for Billing and Collections. This regulation implements changes to medical
               regulations concerning billing and collections by VA for medical care and services provided to
               an individual at a VA medical facility for treatment of a nonservice-connected condition. This
               Final Rule, 38 CFR 17.101 was published in the Federal Register, Vol. 86, No.57, page 16050
               – 16055, on Friday, March 26, 2021 with an effective date of April 26, 2021.
            •  This Final Rule revises several provisions of VA regulations and provides the following
               changes: it will determine the charges VA will bill third-party payers for non-VA care provided
               at VA expense, includes a time limit of 18 months for which third-party payers can request a
               refund, and clarifies that third-party payers cannot reduce or refuse payment because of the
               billing methodology used to determine the charge.
            •  This Final Rule provides consistency in VA billing practices and ensures that VA collects
               payments timely and effectively. It will confirm compliance with VA regulations and provides
               authority to collect appropriate reimbursement as well as prevent the refund process from
               spanning over several fiscal years. VA has determined that the impact to payers will be
               minimal as the changes do not impose any new financial requirements and does not result in
               new or changed fees.
            •  Click here for the link for the Final Rule PDF.

        Housing Updates for Veterans:
            •  The Grant and Per Diem Program (GPD) has begun placing Veterans at the Jerry Ambrose
               Veterans Council of Mohave County. Currently there are 3 Veterans in Transitional Housing
               and are outreaching for additional placements.
            •  NAVAHCS Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) project has continued its development and the
               developers are working on completing surveys and obtaining permits to begin the construction
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