Page 10 - Desert Oracle July 2020
P. 10

HOW CAN I RECOGNIZE                                      WHAT TYPES OF
                                                               HOUSING DISCRIMINATION?                              HOUSING ARE COVERED?
                                                           The most common housing discrimination              Under the law, a landlord (owner, manager,
                                                           practices are:                                      broker, realtor or company representative) is
                                                                                                               responsible for applying fair housing
                                                           REFUSAL TO DEAL                                     practices in dwellings such as:
                                                           Refuse to sell, rent, lease, exchange or            •  Apartments rented or leased
                                                           negotiate for a dwelling for discriminatory         •  Houses sold or rented
                                                           reasons.                                            •  Boarding and rooming house rentals

                                                           DIFFERENT TERMS/CONDITIONS                          • Condominiums
                                                           Discriminate in rental amounts, security            •  Mobile home parks
                                                           deposits, enforcement of rules or other terms
                                                           and conditions of rental or sale.                      WHO CAN HELP ME IF I FEEL
                                                                                                               I WAS DISCRIMINATED AGAINST?
                                                           MISREPRESENTATION                                   You may file a complaint with a representative
                                                           Represent that an available dwelling is not         of the city of Phoenix Equal Opportunity
                                                           available for inspection, sale or rental when,      Department who will:
                                                           in fact, it is.
                                                                                                               •  Listen to your complaint
                                                           DISCRIMINATORY PRESENTATION                         •  Conduct a fair investigation
                                                           Verbalize, publish or display a racial, religious,   •  Attempt to resolve the case by conciliation
                                                           sexual or ethnic preference with respect to         •  Initiate legal prosecution if unlawful
                                                           the sale or rental of housing.                         discrimination occurred and conciliation
                                                                                                                  is unsuccessful
        FAIR HOUSING                                       Direct anyone to homes or rental property in        •  Close the case if there was no
                                                                                                                  unlawful practice

                                                           a particular area for discriminatory reasons.
                                                           ASSIGNING                                                     WHERE CAN I GET
        Fair Housing is the right of everyone to           Direct anyone to a particular section of the                MORE INFORMATION?
        have access to all housing opportunities           community for discriminatory reasons.                          Housing Discrimination
        without discrimination based on:                   UNEQUAL FINANCING                                     City of Phoenix Equal Opportunity Department
                                                           Deny a loan or o er di erent financial terms              Compliance and Enforcement Division
          RACE            DISABILITY                       and conditions for discriminatory reasons.                 200 W. Washington St., 15th Floor
          SEX             NATIONAL ORIGIN                  BLOCKBUSTING                                                     Phoenix, AZ 85003
          RELIGION        FAMILIAL STATUS                  Engage in panic-selling by representing that                      7-1-1 Friendly/TTY
                                                           the racial composition of a neighborhood is                      602-534-1124/FAX
          COLOR           GENDER IDENTITY                  going to change.
                                                                                                                       Landlord/Tenant Disputes Only
                          GENDER EXPRESSION                                                                      City of Phoenix Human Services Department,
                                                           ADULTS ONLY
                                                           Exclude or discriminate against families with                 Landlord Tenant Program
                                                           children, except under specific guidelines in                Travis L. Williams Service Center
                                                           housing for older persons.                              4732 S. Central Ave., Phoenix AZ 85040
                                                           DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION                                         7-1-1 Friendly/TTY
                                                           Discriminate against, or fail to make                         Visit us at
                                                           reasonable accommodations for, persons
                             EQUAL OPPORTUNITY DEPARTMENT    with disabilities.                     Rev. 4/20    This publication is available in alternate format upon request.
                                                                                                                 Contact the City of Phoenix Equal Opportunity Department.
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