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DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE 28 MAY / JUNE 2020
mens golf association news
MGA Updates from May 2020 MGA News for June issue
MGA member Kirk Carlton and wife Kerry have made a family gift Having starting tee times has enabled The MGA to continue to play through
to the course beautification program. Their gift is to honor the memory the Covid19 pandemic and the stay safe orders. Our community to date, has
of Kirk’s parents, Billy and Paula Carlton. His parents’ connection had minimum cases, and for that we are thankful.
to DCBE spans over 30 years. Paula’s beautiful landscapes have June will also be the start of 2nd half points race. As of this writing all the
graced the halls of the clubhouse. The project that is being funded flights have great contest on going with no clear winners. The May results will
by this gift includes three trees behind the 7th green and the be the deciding factor.
planned garden area along the paths to the 8th tee box.
April Game Results:
The garden area concept as planned by Shaun, include two rock
retaining walls to create a terrace for xeriscape plantings. I imagine April 1st
that the site will be a living landscape painting. We all are grateful 1st Joe Rhodes, Jerome Chappelle, John McArtor
for this gift to honor the legacy of Billy and Paula Carlton. 2nd Benny Thorne, Bob Smith, Don McCurdy, Johnnie Estes
3rd Vic McLeod, Alan Cosby, Terry Powell,
When you read this in June, the MGA will have been playing a 4th John Babbich, Billy Cansler, Kirk Carlton, Shawn Hansson
modified schedule for the month of April. Play your own ball the
format, and assigned tee times so as to provide social distances April 7th
among the players. 1st John Babbich, Dan Simpson, Gary Simerson, Tom Gebert
2nd Don Mobley, Jackie Vaughn, Jim Udstuen,
Top five Point results for MGA for play from December 1st, 3rd Dom W Kelly, Alan Cosby, Jerome Chappelle, Johnnie Estes
2019 to March 30th, 2020 are posted here: 4th Billy Cansler, Richard Rioux, Raymond Edmundson,
5th Vic McLeod, Gary Malone, Kirk Carlton, Bill Oeller
A Flight B Flight
Vic McLeod 28 Wayne Burns 34 April 15th
Rickie Dunn 26 Roger Thomas 20 1st Joe Rhodes, Jackie Vaughn, Terry Powell, Johnnie Estes
John Babbich 21 Alan Cosby 18 2nd Biff Hatton, Ron Meador, Bill Price
Joe Rhodes 19 Dan Simpson 17 3rd Kelly Williams, Dan Simpson, Kirk Carlton, John McArtor
Tom Howard 17 Biff Hatton 16 Skins winners:
Jim Udstuen (2 skins), Tom Howard, Kelly Williams, Terry Powell,
C Flight D Flight Don Mobley, Roger Thomas (all with 1 skin)
Mike Clark 26 Shawn Hansson 33
Kirk Carlton 22 Johnnie Estes 31 April 22nd
Frank Conard 20 Bill Oeller 23 1st John Babbich, Ron Meador, Jack Keeton, Tom Gebert
Spencer Yantis 17 John Carter 16 2nd Rickie Dunn, Gary Williams, John Carter, Bill Price
Terry Powell 16 Jim Usdtuen 14 3rd Rick Gilliland, Terry Simpson, Harry Zunker, Calvin Saylors
4th Vic McLeod, Lane Beaty, Cecil Wester, Shawn Hannson
The first half points run to May 30th. All flights are still up for grab 5th Jackie Vaughn, Gary Malone (plus draw)
and with April being “Play Your Own Ball”, it’s up to you!
April 29th
1st John Babbich, Mike Clark, John Carter Jim Udstuen
From Harvey Penick ‘s Red Book on Golf: 2nd Vic McLeod, Dan Simpson, Andy Leone, Buck Cashiola
The golfer who looks up to see his shot, 3rd Don W Kelley, Wayne Burns, Kirk Carlton, Jordan Welch
4th Danny Ball, Lane Beaty, Vern Flowers, Bill Price
will see a bad shot! 5th Mike Walling, Darwyn McCullough, Dennis Carpenter, Larry Smith
The Hidden Jewel of North Texas