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MAY / JUNE 2020                                      27                              DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE

        ladies golf association news

        18 Hole Winners:  Gross          Net
        Championship Flight:  1st   Jackie Gattis   1st   Connie Chamberlain  From Your LGA President
                        2nd  Gay Price   2nd  Karen Barclay
                        3rd   Sonja Dildy  3rd   Cyndi McArtor
                        4th   Jill Morgan  4th   Katrina Clements  Hello LGA Ladies,
        First Flight:   1st   Mary Bloodworth  1st   Carol McKernan  What can I say!  The last two months have been uncharted times!  I am so thankful, more than
                        2nd  Susie McCurdy  2nd  Judy Manor     ever, that I live in DCBE!  I am thankful for our GM and our Board of Directors for trying to keep
                        3rd   Nancy Thompson  3rd   Debra Fenech   us safe, while trying to keep us as normal as possible.  Thank you to our food staff for preparing
                        4th   Amy Carpenter  4th   Mary Jo Jung
        second Flight:  1st   Vickey English  1st   Kay Bailey  take out meals and of course, thank you, thank you to our pro shop staff, who have worked
                                                                hard to keep us active on the golf course!  Of course, all of our tournaments and events were
                        2nd  Barbara Journell  2nd  Kim Wiley
        third Flight:   1st    Annell  Williams  1st   Claudia Mobley  canceled in March and April, because of the COVID-19.  The exception was the March 12th
                                                                Suburban Ladies play day we hosted.  This took place before the "shelter in place" mandate.
        Chip-Ins: Jill Morgan, Tommie Dial, Annell Williams and Kay Guthrie  We hosted around 100 women for this event.  A big thank you to Dustin and Don for all their
        Birdies:    Judy Manor, Jill Morgan, Judy Cordell, Susie McCurdy, Gay Price & Katrina Clements.
                                                                hard work pairing and putting this event together. Thank you to Jessica and her food staff for
        9 Hole Winners:  Gross           Net                    the wonderful lunch.  Also, a big thanks to Kay Guthrie for all her hard work for getting this
        Championship Flight:  1st   Joann Babich  1st    Arlene McLellan  event organized! And, a huge thank you to all of you out there who so graciously allowed us to
                        2nd  Sharon Clark  2nd   Barbara Throne  borrow your golf carts.  We could never have pulled this off without those carts!
        First Flight:   1st   Marla Frye  1st    Nowana Cashiola  Needless to say, these have been some unique times!  Because of the COVID 19 virus, all of
        Chip-Ins: None                                          our tournaments were cancelled for the months of April and May, with the exception of our LGA
        Pars:   Arlene McLellan, Barbara Throne and Marla Frye    Ringer Tournament in May. However, we have not missed one LGA play day, thanks to John
                                                                and our pro shop staff who have worked to keep us playing, by having tee times instead of
                 LGA 9-Hole & 18-Hole Players / Honest Jane     shot gun starts.  We have been averaging 43 ladies for each play day.  Hopefully, by the time
                             April 30th, 2020                   you read this, social distancing will be less and more events will begin to open up.  We are still
                                                                hopeful that our LGA Classic will be played June 24th, 25th, and 26th.
        We had a total of 46 players. Our format was, "Honest Jane." The object was to guess what  If you are reading this, but you are not an LGA member and you love to play golf and you live
        our score for today would be. Each of us told John our number and he wrote it on the score  here in DCBE, please consider joining our LGA.  Even if you are just taking up the sport of golf,
        card. Each of us tried to be the one closest to our number. We had several ladies that hit  there is a place for you in our LGA.  There are entry forms in the pro shop and if you have any
        their number perfectly!                                 questions please feel free to call me and I will do my best to answer them.
        18-Hole:        Kay Guthrie, Vickie English, and Judy Manor               Sonja Dildy,
        9-Hole:         Marla Frye, Barbara Throne and Kerry Carlton
        our Gross and Net winners for today are:                My doctor told me to take my iron everyday and to live on greens.  so, I play golf everyday!
        18-Hole:                                Gross                                       Net  ~ Anonymous
        Championship Flight:     1st Cyndi McArtor   1st Gay Price
                        2nd  Jackie Gattis   2nd  Kay Guthrie
                        3rd  Sonja Dildy     3rd  Karen Barcley
        First Flight:   1st  Mary Bloodworth   1st  Jerry Nallon
                        2nd  Dottie Wilkinson   2nd  Andrea Bauer
                        3rd  Judy Manor   3rd  Jackie Wayson
                        4th  Manon Thorp   4th  Cathie Shepherd
        second Flight:  1st  Claudia Mobley  1st  Vicky English
                        2nd  Karen Currington  2nd  Annell Williams
        third Flight:   1st  Cathy Permenter  1st  Linda Bush
        Chip-Ins:       Jackie Wayson, Cyndi McArtor and Linda Bush
        Birdies:        Jackie Wayson, Kay Guthrie, Doni Earp, Cyndi McArtor,
                        Jackie Gattis, Sonja Dildy, Judy Cordell and Gay Price.
        9-Hole                                      Gross                                     Net
        Championship Flight:  1st  Arlen McLellan  1st  Madell Bailey
                        2nd  Barbara Throne  2nd  Kerry Carlton
        First Flight:   1st  Nowana Cashiola  1st  Liz Thomas
                        2nd  Joann Babich  2nd  Marla Frye
        Pars: Madell Bailey, Marla Frye, Arlene McLellan and Kerry Carlton
                        Connie Donnachie

                       Save the Date

                             8:30 AM shotgun

          June 4th .........................Mutt and Jeff - Partners
          June 11th........................MINI Tournament – Criss Cross (net)
          June 18th .......................LGA 18 Hole Guest Day
          June 24th-25th & 26th....LGA 18 Hole Member/Guest/Invitational Classic Tournament
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