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DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE                          1 00 4                                      AUGUST 2020

        announcements & information

         Ready for Sun, Fun & Exercise?                                  Special Thanks from

                  Aquacize classes are on!                                   DCBE Woman’s Club
               Join the fun all summer long.                   DCBE Women’s Club would like thank our residents for the donations

                        10:00am - 11:00am                      received for Rancho Brazos Community Center.  We especially would like
          For information, contact: Shirley Melane at 817-326-3514.  to thank the Gangsome and all others who gave monetary donations so
                                                               generously.   Rancho’s director said that our supplies and donations were
         SUMMER POOL & COMMUNITY CENTER HOURS                  such a blessing and would sustain them for about 6 more weeks.

                         10am - 11am Aquacize                    Club Communication / Face Coverings
                        11am - 11:30am Lap Swim
                       11:30am - 8pm Open Swim                 - Dining Capacity in service areas will remain at 50% occupancy.
                 8pm - 10pm Adult Swim (Ages 18 and up)        - Buffets will be served to you by food and beverage employees.
                                                               - All indoor staff will wear facial coverings while in any publicly used areas
               Closed on Monday for Cleaning & Chemicals       of the clubhouse
               (and Tuesday’s following a holiday pool party)  - Social Distancing will be strongly encouraged for those attending any

                       Community Center Hours:                 outdoor activities, with exception to those residing in the same household
                  Tuesday - Sunday from 11:30am - 8pm          Patrons of the clubhouse and amenities are encouraged to wear a facial
                                                               covering, unless provided that face-covering requirements do not apply to
               WANT TO SHOW SUPPORT FOR YOUR                   those outlined by Governor Abbott’s Executive Order No. GA-29.  Details
          DCBE/ACTON VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT?                on this can be found at:
                      It’s easy...  See Page 38                (
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