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DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE                          18                                          AUGUST 2020

        announcements & information

                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS CAnDIDATES / BIOS

                                 Dustin Blocker                and  Sally  (chocolate  lab).    Colista  loves  to  play  pickle  ball,  volleyball,
                                 Dustin Blocker, founder of DFW-based,  racquetball, and since moving to DeCordova, has become a BIG fan of
                                 small business, Hand Drawn Records,  bunco!
                                 LLC, currently owns and operates the
                                 most-technologically  advanced  vinyl  Colista believes her love for DCBE, her desire to make DCBE the best place
                                 record pressing plant in the world, Hand  possible for her kids and grandkids to enjoy, makes her a great candidate
                                 Drawn  Pressing,  in  Addison,  Texas  for the Board of Directors.  Colista has the qualifications, the organizational
                                 (featured  in  Forbes,  Wired,  Popular  skills, the get-it-done attitude and passion to ensure that DeCordova remains
                                 Science and more).            the best place in the world to live.
                                 Prior  to  moving  to  DeCordova  Bend                 Doug Jones
                                 Estates five years ago, Dustin was in                  Doug Jones is semi-retired very happily
        the corporate world, working as Domestic E-Commerce Merchant, and later,        residing at 3901 Fairway Dr. on the 17th
        as Global Marketing Lead at Fossil Group in Richardson, Texas.                  tee in DCBE since July 2017. To golfers
                                                                                        he is better known as ‘Rusty’s’ Father.
        Dustin moved his family; wife Emily Blocker and three children, Jack (9),       To non- golfers he is better known as
        Charlie (6) and Sienna (2), to pursue life as an entrepreneur and family man,   ‘Paula’s husband. He has 3 children (all
        but to also to be near family. Emily’s parents, Richard and Susan Bumpass,      boys), all residing in the metroplex area
        DeCordova residents since 1989; and his mother, Linda Blocker, as well as,      with 7 wonderful  grand babies.
        old brother, David Blocker and family, all are current DeCordova residents.
                                                                                        After college, where he enjoyed playing
        Growing up outside of the West Texas town of San Angelo, Dustin values          3 sports; golf, baseball and basketball
        the smiles in the small town waves and looks forward to serving DeCordova  he determined that golf and PGA membership was his avenue to life.
        Bend Estates in a way that honors God, his neighbors and his family.”
                                                               After an 18+ year career which included roles of Asst pro, Head pro, Director
                                 Colista James                 of Golf and General Manager he accepted an opportunity to transition into
                                 Colista was a stay-at-home mom until  the corporate world.
                                 she  graduated  from  Texas  Woman’s
                                 University, at the age of 40, with a B.S.  In roles of executive management including; VP Sales and Marketing, EVP
                                 in Human Biology/Chemistry.  Entering  Sales and Marketing, COO and CEO he spent the next 25+ years in the
                                 a food service career at an entry-level  retail supplier industry both ‘for profit’ and’ non-profit’ companies. He was
                                 job,  Colista  achieved  Vice-President  responsible for performance of P/L; Operations; Supply Chain; Product
                                 within nine (9) years in a male-dominated  Development and Sales and Marketing reporting directly to the Board of
                                 industry.   A  feat  of  which  she  is  very  Directors.
                                                               You are no doubt purchasing ‘everyday’ consumer products that he was
                                 Colista  considers  herself  an  expert  involved  with  the  development,  sourcing  and  retail  launching  of  those
        plate-spinner: keeping all the plates going at the same time is a highly  branded products.
        sought-after skill and one learned well while raising three children. Colista
        led supply chains for major international restaurant companies such as  Currently, he is involved with 2 companies ; one dealing with Federal and
        Chili’s and Fridays for several years, ending her career leading the logistics,  State contractual procurement of goods and the other as a consultant to golf
        supply chain and quality assurance departments for Norwegian Cruise Line.  industry  related  companies.  His  hobbies  and  enjoyment  come  from
        With ships, suppliers and containers all over the world, it takes a lot of  grandbabies, family, golf, baseball, entertaining and hanging out at the
        plate-spinning and organizational skills to keep everything running smoothly.  DCBE driving range.
        Colista has led and been involved in many outside industry organizations,       Tom Jung
        i.e. President of Toast Masters Atlanta Chapter, Chair of Women’s Association,  My name is Tom Jung and I would like
        Chair and Speaker at Industry Conferences, multiple industry committee          to introduce you to my family and give
        leads, and won several awards for department improvements under her             you  my  background.  First  and  most
        leadership.                                                                     importantly, my wife Mary Jo.  We met
                                                                                        in  college  at  Ball  State  University  in
        Traveling the world during her 20-year career, Colista knew she would end       Muncie, Indiana and have been married
        up in Acton, TX, where she grew up and her family still resides.  She always    39 years. Mary Jo graduated with a BFA
        had her eye on DeCordova Bend Estates as the place to land and is loving        in Visual Communications and you may
        every minute of life here in the Bend.  Colista has transitioned into a real    have seen some of her artwork hanging
        estate career, C21 Property Advisors, and joined her brother as part of the     in  the  hallway  at  the  club.  She  is  a
        James Gang Realty Group.  Ms. James can’t wait to tell clients about this       member  of  the  Women’s  Club  and
        wonderful gated community.                             the LGA.
        Colista has three grown children, one daughter and two sons, and four beautiful  I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Education. We have
        granddaughters.  She also has two fur babies, Marshall (golden retriever)  two children of which we are very proud.  Amanda, our oldest, is married to
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