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DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE 16 AUGUST 2020
announcements & information
June 18th, 2020 Tuesday, August 11th, 2020 @ 6pm
Board of Directors Meeting
The Board Nominees will each give a brief three minute presentation
Board Action Taken: about themselves. After each candidate has given their presentation
the membership will have the opportunity to ask questions of which
The board approved by recommendation of the Golf Committee each candidate will be asked to respond.
that any two-day tournament for the LGA and MGA shall take (See Candidate Bios on Pages 18 - 19)
precedence over any scheduled tee times. With a vote of 5 in favor
and 2 opposed; the motion carried. Candidates:
The board approved by recommendation of the Recreation 1. Colista James
Committee with revision the purchase of a Smith Machine in the 2. Tom Jung
amount of $4,505.52 from Marathon Fitness with permission to 3. Dustin Blocker
purchase a refurbished machine if one is available. With all in favor, 4. Doug Jones
the motion carried. 5. Terry Stamper
A motion was made by Dana Goode with recommendation of 6. Cyndi McArtor
the Recreation Committee requesting the construction of two
dedicated and regulation size pickleball courts with bump out The meeting will start promptly at 6pm. The Oaks Lounge Menu
seating in the amount of $42,000.00, seconded by Mike Permenter; will be available for dinner beginning at 5:00pm.
motion carried.
*Upon completion, the current courts will be primarily reserved for
basketball usage, unless a sanctioned pickleball tournament should Notice of
be held. special Called
A motion was made by Dana Goode with recommendation of
the Recreation Committee requesting the installation of lighting at Meetings
the volleyball court with a shut off timer to be set for 10pm in the
amount of $6,720.00, seconded by Mike Permenter; motion carried.
The new lights are specifically designed to only illuminate the court Saturday September 19th, 2020 in the Clubhouse Main dining
and eliminate “light pollution”. room at 6pm.
A motion was made by Mike Gallagher with recommendation of All members are invited to attend the meeting. Come early and have
the Facilities Maintenance Committee to accept the bid from Horton dinner beginning at 5pm.
Tree Service in the amount of $6,600, plus tax, for road tree Purpose of the called meeting will be to announce annual
trimming, seconded by Patrick Cloutier; motion carried. directors voting results.
The board approved by recommendation of the Finance Item No. 1
Committee the investment of $200,000.00 into an Edward Jones Elect three Directors to serve a three-year term on the DCBE Board
mutual fund, with all in favor the motion carried. of Directors. Nominees were received prior to the COVID restrictions
The board discussed the addition of a bylaw amendment to be and temporary closures. Membership votes for three new Directors
voted on by the membership before the Special Called Meeting of to serve a three-year term on the Board and the results will be
September 19th, 2020, pertaining to the annual discretionary announced at the Meeting.
spending limit of the board of directors. This has not been revised Voting procedure:
in 12 years and is no longer adequate to address increased labor & DCBE Owners Association By-Laws article Xi:
material costs for capital additions and improvements, nor has it A member may vote on any issue properly presented by the Board
kept pace with the average 3% inflation rate. Considerations will be or designated in a Notice of Meeting, as set out in Article VI, Section
to increase this annual spending limit for Capital Additions and 4, for any Annual Meeting or Special Meeting as required in this
Improvements from $50,000 to $85,000. Article. No less than ten (10) days before the Annual Meeting or any
duly called Special Meeting, the Association shall prepare and mail
Upcoming mEETingS to all properly designated members an official ballot describing the
Meet the Candidate night: issues to be voted upon at such meeting, and shall provide a place
august 11th, 2020 @ 6pm for the member to register the member’s vote relating to such
City CounCil Meeting: august 11th, 2020 @ 7pm issues. Each member shall receive one ballot for each Lot or
Multifamily Lot owned by the member.
Board Meeting: august 20th, 2020 @ 8:30am
SpeCial Called MeMBer Meeting
& Voting reSultS: Notice of November Meeting: Mid-Year Membership Meeting
September 19th, 2020 @ 6pm Saturday, November 21st in the Clubhouse Dining Room at 6pm.
Dinner Service available begging at 5pm.