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AUGUST 2020                                          19                              DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE

        announcements & information

        Greg Cox and resides in Midland with their two young sons, Henry and            Terry Stamper
        William. Our son, Tom, is a realtor in Fort Worth.  We moved from Indiana to    Hello fellow members. My name is Terry
        Burleson  in  1984  so  I  could  take  a  job  with  a  start-up  manufacturing  Stamper and I live at 5117 Fairway Circle
        company.  We built modular duplexes for a Fort Worth developer where I          with my wife, Jamie and our puppy Lulu.
        started as Quality Control Manager and then moved into sales. 18 months         We have four children, Lauren who lives
        later, as ownership was running out of funding, our best customer, my GM        in  San  Diego,  Jason  who  resides  in
        and I bought another manufacturing facility and started Indicom Buildings,      Chicago and the youngest kids, Lindsay
        Inc. We built mobile and modular office buildings which included everything       and Adam who live in Fort Worth.  We
        from a small guard shack to 50,000 square foot two-story steel structures.  I   also  have  five  grandchildren  who  we
        started at Indicom as a salesman/draftsman and became GM within 2 years.        spoil  every  chance  we  get  then  send
        We grew from a company of 25 employees to 150. As GM, I was responsible         them home to their parents!  We have
        for the departments of sales, engineering, purchasing, quality control and      lived in DCBE for eight years starting as
        service. We, along with a couple of other manufacturers, worked with the  part-timers but quickly moved to full time residents. I love golfing, boating,
        Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation in the development of the  hunting, traveling and building furniture for a hobby.
        state’s program to license and regulate manufacturers sending product in
        the state of Texas. We grew our business to $26 million a year and sold in  I currently chair the Facility Maintenance Oversite Committee, (FMOC) and
        2007.  I had a three year contract with the new owners and Mary Jo started  co-chair the Finance Committee.  I am also your current Board of Directors
        looking for an area to retire.  She found DCBE, we purchased a home and  Vice President. It has been a privilege to serve and has given me insight
        have been here since 2010. We have enjoyed the numerous improvements  into the complex issues that face our neighborhood.  I am very proud of the
        and upgrades to our community from the golf course, to the marina, workout  accomplishments over the past three years, some of the projects I have
        facility, new community center, pickle ball court, volleyball, dining room and  been involved in are the annual street paving project, the inventory of trailers
        lounge.                                                in  the  burn  area  and  re-writing  of  the  policy  associated  with  trailer
                                                               registration. The FMOC working along side DCBE General Manager Rick
        Our community has so much to offer and I believe we need to keep expanding  Lantgen was able to restore the Marina's through painting and adding a bug
        all the amenities and social aspects for all members. After ten years of  spray system. We also replaced all of the golf course equipment with new
        enjoying all of these, I feel like it is time to get involved and give back .  I  mowers and new vehicles. This cut our maintenance costs significantly.
        want to help insure that all of the amenities plus streets, maintenance,
        security and staffing continue to grow and improve the community in a fiscally  Growing up my father built steel mills so our family lived in India, Belgium,
        responsible way. Thank you for your support.           Turkey, Canada, and the Philippine’s.  Seeing these huge structures being
                                                               constructed made me curious and gave me an enormous interest for the
                                 Cyndi McArtor                 engineering field.  It also provided me with experience in different cultures
                                 In  2011  my  husband,  John  and  I  and environments and how things work in the “real world.”
                                 purchased a home in DeCordova as a
                                 getaway  place  that  was  close  to  Since  we  were  living  abroad  I  graduated  from  high  school  through  the
                                 grandkids. We traveled 7 hours from NE  University of Nebraska correspondence program.  I returned to the states
                                 Oklahoma to enjoy the amenities that  and graduated with an Associate degree from The Ohio Institute of Technology
                                 DeCordova has to offer for 3 years.  In  and a Bachelor degree from The Ohio State University with my degree in
                                 2014,  we  moved  full-time  to  make  Electronics Engineering Technology. I started my Engineering career with
                                 DeCordova our forever home as we had  GTE-Ohio  in  1974.    As  you  probably  know,  GTE  is  now  Verizon
                                 come to love our life around the bend.   Communications.  During  my  32  year  career  I  engineered  many  of  the
                                                               communication systems you use today.  I have engineered jobs in eleven
                                 For  almost  30  years  we  have  owned  different states and the Dominican Republic.  With my transfer to the world
        and operated a property management company.  Throughout my life, I’ve  headquarters building in Las Colinas I became Chief Architect for the Directory
        been  committed  to  serving  in  many  volunteer  capacities  with  several  Assistance  and Automated  Work  Station  Program  for  Verizon.    I  have
        leadership positions. Some of which include, being a cub scout leader to 12  managed engineering teams of five to over a hundred with budgets ranging
        boys (proud to be an Eagle Scout mom and grandma), PTA, neighborhood  from $25M to $200M. The different positions and projects provided me with
        association  board,  Historic  Preservation  zoning,  rural  Volunteer  fire  the ability to work with all levels of employees and the leadership experience
        department board, plus other community and civic organizations.  to bring projects in on time and on budget.  I loved my long career with
                                                               Verizon and what it has done for me in retirement.
        Since moving to DeCordova, I have been VP and President of the LGA, H
        & E Committee, and currently serving on the Golf Committee, Architectural  I would like to continue applying my professional background and prior work
        Control  Committee  and  ad  hoc  Fitness  Center  Committee.  I  have  also  experience to this community. I want to share my previous experience and
        organized a team for the last 5 years to participate in the Acton Nature Run  passion for DCBE again to show that I can continue to be a great addition
        helping us win the largest team event all 5 years.     to the Board.   We live in a wonderful area and I want to be a part of the
                                                               team that keeps it that way. It has been said before and I will say it again,
        Serving on the DCBE committees has afforded me the opportunity to be a  our neighborhood is the best kept secret in Texas.
        small part of the big picture of what it takes to make DeCordova a great
        place to live.  The demographics of the community are changing, but we  I feel confident I’m very qualified to serve our community and look forward
        must continue with what has made DeCordova wonderful  while embracing  to the challenges ahead. I would appreciate your support in the upcoming
        the changes of the future.                             election. I will work very hard to keep our little slice of Texas a great place
                                                               to live.
        It is my desire to help keep DeCordova the best place to live for generations
        to come.  I enjoy serving my community and believe this is an exciting time  Be sure to come out and meet these great folks!
        for  the  future  of  DeCordova.  It  would  be  my  pleasure  to  serve  on  the  See you there!
        DeCordova Board of Directors and would appreciate your vote.
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