Page 15 - 2017 Mosaic Annual Report
P. 15




       Daniel has been supported by Mosaic since 2004            Another goal was to be fit and healthy so, with
       when he moved out of a group home into his own            team assistance, Daniel developed a daily workout
       flat.                                                     program.

       Daniel receives community access and in-home              Daniel gets up and completes an hour of exercise
       and drop-in support from Mosaic.  His team of             most days. Daniel is proud of his improved
       four support staff work closely with him to assist        physique and says “Doing my exercise and walking
       him to maintain his routines and extend his social        in the afternoon helps me to not get anxious as
       activities.                                               much”.

       Daniel sets his own goals and decides how he will         The team has also spent time assisting Daniel to
       achieve these goals with the support of Mosaic            develop daily routines. Daniel works 2 days a week
       staff.                                                    and on these days Daniel will get up, exercise,
                                                                 make his own lunch and get ready for work.
       Daniel speaks very highly of his team. Without the
       team “I would not have lived so independently to          Daniel has also established routines around
       this degree. They have helped me with budgeting,          shopping, cleaning and appointments on particular
       food preparation, regular cleaning and house              days, which all assist him to live a life with less
       inspections – which I pass every time!”                   anxiety.

       Recently Daniel has also begun managing his own           Daniel’s Mum says “Daniel has made a complete
       medication which has been a tremendous step               turnaround with his life which he would not have
       forward.                                                  achieved without Mosaic. He could not have done
                                                                 it on his own! When he is having down times the
       Four and a half years ago, after a minor health           staff are there with him and support him. If I am
       scare, Daniel decided he would quit smoking.              not around I know Daniel has a life, which is all I
       “This was a decision for both health and money            wanted for him – a home, a strong Mosaic support
       reasons and my support team really backed me up,          team and some social activities. He has come a
       praising me and reminding me why I was quitting ”.        long way!”

       The team set up a saving plan where Daniel put all
       the money he would have spent on the cigarettes
       in a savings account. The plan was that when there
       was enough money Daniel could go on a holiday to

       Daniel was successful in this endeavour and it is
       now a regular routine for Daniel to save and go on

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