Page 11 - 2017 Mosaic Annual Report
P. 11

“We very strongly express our appreciation to all of our Operations Team Members,

            employees and our Executive management, for their dedication and commitment to

            our headline objective to enrich the quality of life of people with disability. “

       This has seen the number of clients for these             However, these high level aspirational outcomes
       services increase progressively over the year,            can only be achieved by a vibrant disability sector,
       as well as the provision of these services to our         which is enabled to operate under a sustainable
       Supported Accommodation clients.                          pricing regime.

                                                                 It is to be hoped that the various research studies
       During the year we have also made further                 into sustainability and pricing will ultimately result
       investments in training and upskilling of our front       in recognition of this inextricable reality.
       line workforce teams, who every day do the work
       for which we stand as an organisation, to achieve
       our client outcome objectives.
       As well, we have sought to focus training to                              Income Types
       embed the vision and values which we hold as the
       reason for our existence, as defined by our brand                                HOUSE
       pillars of Dedication, Service Excellence, Sharing              COMMUNITY        INCOME
       Experiences and Responsiveness.                                 ACCESS & SUPPORT
       We very strongly express our appreciation to all                             ACCOMMODATION
       of our Operations Team Members, employees and
       our Executive Management, for their dedication
       and commitment to our headline objective to
       enrich the quality of life of people with disability.

                                                                                 SA  CAS  House Income
       The disability sector broadly embraces the
       foundation principles of the NDIS expressed                             Operating Expenses
       through the principles embodied in the NDIS Act,
       stated as –

        “To support the independence and social
        and economic participation of people with                       HOUSE                 PROPERTY
        disability”                                                     EXPENSES    ADMIN

        “To promote the provision of high quality and                             EMPLOYMENT
        innovative supports that enable people with
        disability to maximise independent lifestyles
        and full inclusion in the community”

        “To enable people with disability to exercise
        choice and control in the pursuit of their
        goals and the planning and delivery of their
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