Page 12 - 2017 Mosaic Annual Report
P. 12


       REPORT (cont.)


       The 2016–2017 financial year has been an exciting         •  Introducing an organisation wide employee
       time for our clients and staff, as we reflect on             engagement plan, working with staff to enable
       the achievements of the past 25 years and look               them to give their best each day, be committed
       forward to the opportunities afforded by the                 to our goals, aligned with our values, motivated
       rapidly changing environment of disability services          to contributing to our success, whilst having an
       in Western Australia, as the NDIS rolls out.                 enhanced sense of their own well-being.

       We were also able to grow our accommodation               •  Introducing an open learning system enabling
       services to more clients, with the opening of                staff to access online best-practice education
       Grace, Rae and Kenwick houses, during the year.              modules, with the convenience to undertake
                                                                    these at a time that best suits them.
       As part of our commitment to providing
       individualised support for the clients who receive        •  The ongoing development of our Positive
       our accommodation support services, we strive                Behaviour Support Team and Positive
       to provide innovative services that are responsive           Behaviour Support Panel, providing support
       to the changing needs of our clients. This means             and guidance around managing complex
       being open to changing the way that we do things.            behaviour needs
       This past year we have made improvements                  •  A range of quality service improvement initiatives
       large and small to many areas, some in front line            including our internal audits, reviews and
       support and others, no less important, behind the            improvements to our policies, procedures and
       scenes. These include:                                       practices and increased focus on understanding

       •  Expanding our Community Access Supports                   client needs and safeguarding requirements.
          (CAS) team that works with clients to help             •  Strengthening our Occupational Safety and
          them to better access their local community               Health practices to ensure our staff, clients,
          for recreation, leisure, employment or                    volunteers, contractors and visitors have access
          volunteering, building important linkages back            to safe working and living environments.
          into their local community.                            Whilst we continue to successfully provide services
       •  Working closely with clients and their families        to clients under the NDIS, WA NDIS and non-
          to help them transition successfully from              NDIS funding regimes, along with other sector
          the old system under the Disability Services           providers, we are keen to learn what the final
          Commission to the new models of the NDIS and           outcome on whether the State or Commonwealth
          the WA NDIS, and supporting them to achieve            model of the NDIS will be implemented in WA.
          better choice and control through this process.        In the coming year we expect to implement

       •  Implementing a “values based” employment               further changes to ready the organisation, staff
          system, with Staff hired not just on their             and our clients for the NDIS. We have strong
          technical expertise, but also for the extent that      confidence that we will be able to continue to
          their values align with those of Mosaic. The           support clients to meet their goals and aspirations
          result is a staff team who understands that it         to lead their best possible life, notwithstanding the
          is important to support our clients to achieve         decision on which model we will operate under.
          their life goals and are willing to work together
          to do this.                                            Frank J Kellett
       10                                                        Chief Executive Officer
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