Page 10 - 2017 Mosaic Annual Report
P. 10



       Whilst the Bilateral Agreement established                client outcome objectives, which will become
       earlier in 2017, covering the basis on which the          increasingly challenged under the NDIS pricing
       NDIS would operate in WA, seemed to provide a             rates.
       basis on which to develop plans for our forward
       development, this turned out to be quite short            Despite these challenges, our investment in
       lived.                                                    many of the initiatives undertaken over the year,
                                                                 with respect to our NDIS operational readiness
       Following the change of the State Government              preparation, including the recruitment of our new
       in early March, it became known that the new              Executive team, our rebranding and Internet SEO
       Government might renegotiate that Agreement.              marketing and further client and staff satisfaction
       This still remains to be clarified, many months           research, has provided positive improvements in
       later.                                                    our overall performance.

       In addition, the restructuring of Government              Resulting from this, whilst these planned
       departments and the absorption of the Disability          investment initiatives were known to carry
       Services Commission into the new Department of            significant costs, which would impact our
       Communities, has further added to the anxieties           operating surplus, our financial year 2016-2017
       relating to the implementation of the NDIS, to            has been a year in which we have achieved
       which the sector has become subject to in recent          significant growth in our Accommodation and
       years.                                                    Community Access Services which aligns with our
                                                                 Strategic Plan growth trajectory out to 2021.
       This has created some challenges for us, as we
       now have clients who are subject to three funding         We have made important progress in the
       sources, under the DSC, WA NDIS and NDIA pricing          upgrading of our houses, all with the objective
       schemes. This can mean that clients who have              of creating the most homely settings for our
       similar support needs, each have different funding        clients. This included major renovations at two
       levels, depending on which source that they fall          of our houses in Kenwick and Safety Bay. It is
       under.                                                    our aspiration to provide the highest standard of
                                                                 accommodation which can become a benchmark
       We anticipate with enthusiasm that this matter            for the sector.
       will be satisfactorily resolved and the clarity and
       certainty needed, will soon be provided to us and         We consider this to be an important element
       the broader sector.                                       in the achievement of our vision, to enrich the
                                                                 quality of life of people with disability.
       Notwithstanding this, as has been reported
       extensively in the media, many analyses                   We have strengthened our operations
       undertaken indicate that the NDIS prices are              management team for Community Access and
       unsustainable. We consider a strong operating             Support Services, given that there is a significant
       surplus as an essential underpinning of our               increase under the NDIS in the numbers of people
                                                                 with disability who will receive funding for these
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