Page 26 - The Net Magazine Faversham-175 - July 2019
P. 26

Clubs and Societies Continued from page 24
                                                    Maidstone Ramblers
             Maidstone Ramblers                   Wednesday 24th July, 10.00am
           Wednesday 24th July, 10.00am      10.2 miles/16.4 km Moderate finishes 4.15pm
      11.3 miles/18.1 km Moderate finishes 4.30pm   Starting from Pett Lane car park, Charing
      Starting from Victory Wood Country Car Park    TN27 0DL GR TQ958492
          Yorkletts ME13 9ES.  GR TR086626    Charing Heath - Lenham Heath - Lenham -
         Grimshill Wood to Tyler Hill, then via   Pilgrims Way. Assistance Dogs Only.
        Parsonage Farm. Assistance Dogs Only.   Lunch stop at Lenham – various pubs and
       The car park is reached from Thanet Way        cafes, Food Available
        (A299), come off just before Travelodge,   Circular walk, Pace: Moderate
       cross bridge. It is near ‘Highstreet’ on OS   Contact: Bertie Knight, 07925 052236,
        map. Lunch stop at Tyler’s Kiln Tyler Hill,
      Food Available, Circular walk, Pace Moderate
         Contact: Geoff Turner, 01233 860393          SOCIAL GROUPS
      Swale Seniors Forum gives  voice  to the concerns  of   Association  of  Men  of  Kent  and  Kentish  Men -
      Senior Citizens by holding Open Forums in Sittingbourne,   Sittingbourne and Milton Branch meets second Saturday
      Faversham, and Sheppey once per quarter. We take up   each month,  Tunstall  Village  Hall  to socialise,  enjoy  a
      causes  and  complaints  with  the Borough  Council,  KCC   meal/buffet, listen  to a speaker  or take part in activities
      and Swale Clinical Commissioning Group. Membership is   quizzes,  duck races, silent  auctions  etc. Organised
      free, for an application form ring 01795 473828.  including holidays and day trips. Please phone Gerry on
      Swale  Stroke  Group  -  The Only Social Stroke Group   01795 842621 for more details.
      in Swale,  Hope Street Centre,  Sheerness  ME12 1QH.   Association  of  Men  of  Kent  and  Kentish  Men
      Second & last Thursday each month, 10.30am - 12.30pm,   Whitstable  Branch  meet monthly  The Parish  Hall,  15a
      everyone is welcome for a cuppa or a chat. Ring 01795   Castle Road, Tankerton CT5 2DY Tuesday morning, with
      437569 or email  speaker  May July Sept Nov. Lunch  Wednesdays  April
      Urological  Support  for  West  Kent  (US)  for those   June  Aug Oct  and Dec Christmas Lunch. Bat  &  Trap
      currently  experiencing  or  have  experienced  prostate,   Friday evenings in season. Contact David Woodnott
      bladder, kidney, testicular or penile cancer, and the fears   01227 273336 or
      and emotions that come with it. Meet 6 times per year   Chatterbox Baby & Toddler Group, Fridays (term-time),
      Post Graduate Centre, Common Room, Medway Hospital,   9.30 -11.30am, St  John’s Centre, 11 St  John’s Road,
      Windmill  Road, Gillingham,  Free Parking, Family and   Swalecliffe.  For anyone  with preschool  children.   Lots
      friends welcome, details ring 01634 838918   of toys, messy play, a cuppa and a chat - all for £1 per
                                             adult/50p per child. All welcome! Details sharon.braddy@
                                             Coffee  Break  @  St  John’s, Every  Tuesday, 10.00am
                                umbrellacentre  -12noon at St John’s Centre, St John’s Road, Swalecliffe.
                                             Don’t  be lonely, come and join  us for tea, coffee, cake
                                             and chat!  No set prices, pay what you can.  All welcome.
                                             Community Drop-in Whitstable Umbrella Centre Lounge,
                                             Oxford Street CT5 1DD. Hot meals, warm drinks, books,
                                             games, radio. Access to internet and telephone, a warm
        The Umbrella Centre is a co-operative made up of   safe  place  to  relax  01227  274880  or  call  in  for  more
       over 500 members who ensure that its work refl ects   information.
        the needs of the local community by being drawn   Faversham  Gunpowder  WI  a modern, friendly group
        exclusively from our local area. The membership   meet Welcome Centre, St Judes,  Tanners Street,
         annually elect a group of volunteer trustees who
      Oxford Street                          Faversham 1st Tuesday of month 1pm - 3.30pm, and 3rd
                                             Thursday at Carmel Hall, St Judes, 7.30pm - 9.30pm, free
        regularly meet to ensure that the charity is fufi lling
      Whitstable                             parking. Craft club, book club, outings, lunches, and much
           its charitable aims and fi nancially secure.
      Kent CT5 1DD                           more. Women of all ages very welcome. Please call Jane
      01227 274 880                          01795 534639 for further information.
         For well over thirty years it has been our aim to
        preserve the physical, mental and emotional health                      Games Evening.
       and stability of the local community without prejudice.
       We achieve this by working to ensure an expansive
      Whitstable Umbrella Centre                  Friday 26th July, 7.00pm - 9.00pm
       and holistic range of activities are available from the
      is a vibrant focal point of the              Lower Halstow Memorial Hall
       centre. In partnership with commercial hirers who run
      local community and its passions.       Games include Euchre, Rummycub, Skipbo,
        activities on our premises, our staff and volunteers   Dominos, Whist and many other games
         who run activities and community ventures we
      We provide an affordable, safe and      Adults £2.50 each, Children accompanied by
      welcoming home for all; a dynamic
              provide space to free of charge.
      venue where over one thousand people     an Adult £1 each, which includes a cup of
       To fi nd out more and whats going on visit
      a week find support, friendship and fun        tea/coffee/ Juice, biscuits
      a week find support, friendship and fun
      through a wide range of activities.           and a very warm welcome.
        our website                ...See more clubs and societies on page 28
             or call us on 01227 274880
      page 26                       the net Faversham, Whitstable and Herne Bay
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