Page 30 - The Net Magazine Faversham-175 - July 2019
P. 30

Clubs and Societies Continued from page 28     Maidstone Ramblers
                                                   Wednesday 31st July, 10.00am
                                              11 miles/17.7 km - Moderate finishes 4.00pm
        Medway Towns Footpaths Group          Starting from Doddington Church ME9 0BD.
             Sunday 28th July, 10.00am                   GR TQ940575
          Meet Margaret Crouch 01634 376080       Trowley - Badlesmere - Eastling
          Seathorpe Ave, off Wards Hill Road.   Assistance Dogs Only. Lunch stop at
          Merryman’s Hill, Minster, Sheppey.    Red Lion, Badlesmere, Food Available
        Car Park or road side parking. GR 954737     Circular walk, Pace: Moderate
                Postcode ME12 2LT                Contact: Sue Waters, 07749 913602,
         For 5 mile fairly flat walk across fields,
               grassland and tracks.         Sittingbourne Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Club
      Route includes Bartons Point and Sheerness.   4th Saturday each month, 10.00am -12 noon, The Golden
                  Dogs Allowed               Hope JD Weatherspoons  public  house, 1 Park Road,
                                             Sittingbourne, ME10 1DR.  It is totally joining
                                             fees, no actual membership, for serving members of the
                                             armed services, veterans and family members, just buy
      Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Canterbury founded   breakfast and join in the banter. See Facebook page.
      1876 by Mary Sumner, a worldwide Christian charity that   Umbrella Play & Stay Group, Mondays 9.30 - 11.00am
      supports marriage and family life. Monthly meetings with   Whitstable  Umbrella  Centre,  Oxford  Street  CT5  1DD.
      speakers in churches and other public events. For details   Community playgroup run by  volunteers. Drop in group
      email ring 01622 751243   for parents/carers and babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers.
      or see  Free entry, donations appreciated 01227 274880 or call in
      Rotary Club  of  Faversham  Serving  good causes   for more information.
      locally  and Worldwide,  Friendly interesting meetings   WAAF Association We would be delighted to welcome
      Monday evenings. To find out more about our Club and   ex-WAAF (and WRAF/RAF as Associate members) to our
      Membership visit   National  WAAF Association.  Subscription  £8  p.a.  Twice
      Rotary Club of Whitstable meets every Tuesday 6.15pm   yearly magazines/ AGM/ St Clement Danes RAF Church.
      Chestfield Golf Club for people who want to help relate to   Join today! Details Iris Sheppard 01622 663078.
      their community and around the world. All members of the   Whitstable  Bereavement  Social  Group  Whitstable
      community welcome. Visit our meeting to find out more,   Umbrella Centre Cafe, Oxford Street CT5 1DD, Drop in
      meet some members and for a nice 2 course dinner, great   first Tuesday every month, 2.00pm. Friendly group for
      conversations  and a rewarding  & fun evening.  You will   anyone who has lost a loved one. 01227 274880 or call
      receive a very warm welcome.           in for more information.
      Royal  Marines  Association. Once a Marine always a   Whitstable  over  60s  Drop  In  Centre,  Waterloo  Road
      Marine. Camaraderie - Welfare - Events. Join our branch.   CT5 1BP Next door ‘The Saltings Flats’ Mon to Sat coffee
      Contact  Secretary:  Mike  Russell  07968  470484  mike.  10am to 12, Sun tea & cakes plus table games 1pm to                       4pm. Scrabble every Tuesday 1.30 to 4-30pm, Oddfellows
      Royal  Military  Police Association  (Kent)  Ex  members   2nd Tuesday of month 7pm, Forever Friends 3rd Tuesday
      invited to join a like-minded  bunch of men and women   7.30pm, Bingo two sessions per month, Wednesday Club
      who  meet lunchtime 4 or 5 times a year at The Courtyard   2 to 4pm, Dementia Clinic (Drop In) 2nd Thurs 2 to 4pm
      Restaurant, Brogdale, Farm, Faversham, ME18 8XZ plus or 01227 768272
      other events. Ring Ray Ellam 01843 594290 for details.   Whitstable  Sceptics Whitstable Umbrella  Centre
      You will be very welcome.              Cafe,  Oxford  Street  CT5  1DD.  First  Tuesday  every
      Royal  Naval Association  Sittingbourne Branch, meet   month  7.30  –  9.30pm  a  relaxed  and  enjoyable  evening
      first  Friday  every  month  7.30pm,  UK  Paper  Clubhouse,   debating a wide range of topical and other issues email
      Remembrance Avenue (opp Sainsbury’s)  Sittingbourne.
      We welcome all serving Royal Naval, Merchant Navy,   Maidstone Ramblers
      serving and ex service personnel from the Armed Services
      and any other uniformed organizations.  Contact Bob   Wednesday 31st July, 10.00am
      Broderick on 01795 473245 or Mobil 07115 566183.  11.5 miles/18.5 km Moderate finishes 4.30pm
      Royal Society of  St George  Swale  Branch New   Starting from Alkham Green Car Park
      members always  welcome.  A patriotic society that    CT15 7AR GR:TR256422
      believes in England and all things English. Events where   Swingfield Street - Denton - Cannon Wood
      like-minded people meet and all profits donated to local
      charities and good causes. Details ring 01795 422810  Assistance Dogs Only. Use Small car park
      email      adjacent to the green, Not the village hall
      Saxon Shore U3a (Herne Bay & Whitstable) Large social   CP on opposite side of the road. Lunch stop
      and educational group for retired and semi-retired people.   at The Jackdaw, Denton, TR216472, Food
      Over 40 varied  interest groups, social  events, walks   Available. Circular walk, Pace: Moderate
      and regular outings. Monthly meetings third Tuesday 2.00
      - 4.00pm at the Swalecliffe Hall. For details see u3asites.  Contact: Denis M, 07704 437737, or contact memsecssu3a@
                                             ...See more clubs and societies on page 31
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