Page 28 - The Net Magazine Faversham-175 - July 2019
P. 28

Clubs and Societies Continued rom page 26      Super Summer Fair
                                                        All Saints Church
              Sheppey Organ Club                    Iwade Village, Sittingbourne
              Friday 26th July, 7.30pm           Saturday 27th July, 12noon – 3.00pm
           Sheerness East W.M.C. Halfway.     Stalls, attractions and games in the Church
            Present Phil Brown in Concert.          grounds and Barn car park
               Annual Subscription £5                      Free Entry
          Admission members £3, Visitors £4    Ball in a Jar, Face Painting, Wet Sponge,
          Licensed bar and light refreshments  Hook a duck, Craft Stalls, Treasure Hunt,
        Information on the club and concert from   Crockery Smashing, Fancy Dress prizes,
            Margo Bronger 01795 877037         Sweets in a Jar, Candy Floss, Cake Stall,
            or John Colechin 01634 234272     Bouncy Castle, Popcorn, Ice Cones, Drinks,
                                               Supporting All Saints Church Toilet Fund
      Faversham  & District U3A for retired & semi-retired
      people. Monthly meetings, social and with a speaker on   Herne Bay Restaurant Club. Eat, drink & friendly chatter.
      various topics 3rd Wednesday  each month and interest   Meet at a different restaurant in our bay every month. Al La
      groups covering a wide range of activities & interests. See   Turka, A Casa Mia, Charlies, The Heron. No deposit. You Phone 07954 145904 or   order from the restaurant menu and pay individually at the
      email         end of  the  evening. New members singles  and couples
      Freemasonry  in  Swale Interested in joining,  or as an   are most welcome. 07494 897139.
      existing member, visiting Lodges who meet in the area?   Italy  Star  Association  1943/45 Veterans!  Join us….
      Contact 01227 272804 or see  Phone our National Secretary 020 8241 0275.
      French Conversation Club in Sittingbourne. Bonjour a   Kent Association for the Blind (KAB) has over 60 social
      tous! Ideal for anybody wishing to improve with a French   groups for people with sight impairments. Varied clubs -
      native speaker,  learn vocabulary, become confident and   whole day, morning coffee, pub lunch or evening meetings
      enjoy yourself, Monday evenings 7.00 – 8.00pm, A bientot!   usually  at the same venue offering reading, rambling,
      Cecile 07950 793640                   sports and  visits. For information  call  01622  691357  or
      Greenhill Senior Citizens Club  Herne  Bay, over 200   email
      members, Mon to Fri, Sequence Dancing, Bingo, Kurling,   Lunch  Club  If  you are over 60,  on your own &  have
      Card games etc.  Saturday Socials.    Quizzes,  holidays,   transport why not join our Lunch Club.  We go to places
      fun pig and horse racing.  Most activities 50p members,   you do not go to on your own. We meet monthly  in/
      £1 for  guests  (includes drink &  biscuits).  Ring 01227   around Whitstable/Herne Bay/  Canterbury.    We  enjoy
      371162 see e-mail or see   the occasional  evening  meals  & Sunday  lunches.    Lasting friendships have been formed.  You will be most
      Herne  Bay  Days  Out,  Coffee  Pot  Club.  If  you are on   welcome Ring 07747 858430 for next venue details
      your own, new to our bay or would just like more friends   Mid Kent Social for age 30s - 50s plus who wish to widen
      this  club is  for  you.  We  meet  monthly and have many   their circle of friends. Events from short walks, country
      outings planned for this summer. New members are most   rambles, theatre, cinema, National  Trust, days out and
      welcome. Adrian 07494 897139          much more. Very friendly group, £3 per year to join, the
                                            majority of our events are free. Ring 07957 599014 email
                                   or see
               Open Air Theatre             Social for details.
          in the grounds of Allington Castle
          Castle Road, Allington ME16 0NB
       ‘The Winter’s Tale’ by William Shakespeare   Free Walk with Nature
             Saturday 27th July, 2.00pm             RSPB Medway Local Group
          And ‘Nell Gwynn’ by Jessica Swale       Oare Marshes Kent Wildlife Trust
             Saturday 27th July, 7.30pm                   ME13 0QA
          In support of Heart of Kent Hospice        Sunday 28th July 8.00am.
         We are proud to present two open-air   Wader passage should be in full swing.
          performances in partnership with           Easy walking with hides.
          The Changeling Theatre Company.       Please wear appropriate clothing and
           Tickets £30 adults, £10 children         footwear. No need to book.
                 per performance                       For more details visit
           Bring rugs or chairs and picnics.
      For further details or to book tickets for this
      exclusive event please visit or   Medway-Local-Group-733548566806267/
          contact fundraising 01622 790195.
                                             ...See more clubs and societies on page 30
      page 28                      the net Faversham, Whitstable and Herne Bay
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