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                                                Alison M. Wolfe, MBA, MS, PhD, Professor

             «TEAM TERM PROJECT, COURSE WEIGHT                                                            30%«

             þ  DESCRIPTION

                Students will undertake one term-long virtual project designed to model a real-life application of the concepts
                reviewed in the course.  The students should be prepared to present virtually the project to the class during
                Final Exams Week.

             þ  Upload your PowerPoint® & Written Summary Research Report to the CANVAS® Team Term Project
                assignment folder prior to the start of the class session, e.g., due date/time.

             þ  Students can meet virtually or in-person to complete this term project.  Assume each member lives in a different
                state or country.

             þ  Your virtual presentation will be allocated a maximum time of seventy-five minutes to present to your
                client.   For example, majority of presentations (depending on the team size) are sixty minutes (10 members
                presenting at least six or seven minutes per team member). Furthermore, after your presentation, the client will
                most like have a Q&A session (time varies, usually 10-15 minutes).

             þ  Your team will be ONE market research consulting agency.  Note, however, each member will be assigned a
                particular role in your market research agency.  At the time of the presentation, you will present as one
                agency, e.g., eleven members.

             þ  Professional business attire is required for your virtual presentations.

             þ  Students will grade their own and their teammates’ contribution to the project.  A student’s project grade will
                be adjusted upward or downward according to his or her contribution to the project. A student’s project grade
                will be adjusted upward or downward according to his or her contribution to the project. (Please review the
                team member evaluation form in the course outline)

             þ  The course weight is distributed as follows:  15% written team project and 15% presentation.

             þ  Set-up: The team must be set-up and ready to present prior to the start of final class session.  Please upload your
                PowerPoint® to CANVAS® prior to the final class session.

             þ  Missed assignments cannot be made up.  Students with a valid excuse (e.g., medical) for missing the assignment
                may make-up by arrangement.  Students who miss the assignment deadline without an acceptable excuse will
                receive a zero.

             þ  Please refer to the detailed course outline for your assignment rubric and schedule.

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