Page 2 - Triangle Spring 2017 Issue 21
P. 2
R o y a l A r k M a r i n e r s A s s e m b l y c o n t i n u e d
One of the highlight of the morning was a Playlet entitled There being no further business, the Assembly was closed
“Noah & the Ark” performed in costume by members of the in due form, The National Anthem was sung & the Provin-
Team of Development & Improvement. Spoken completely cial Grand Master, accompanied by his Deputy & Past
from memory, the players held their audience spellbound by Deputies retired accompanied by the Provincial Team.
their rhetoric. The story sought to realistically explain the After a scramble at the bar, the brethren retired to the dining
legend of the Ark, its size & construction, the flood, its final room accompanied by their ladies. After a pleasant & lei-
resting place & the possible true ages of Noah & his family. surely lunch, all rose to toast The Queen & the Grand
The PGM next welcomed all newly Elevated Royal Ark Master, Prince Michael of Kent.
Mariners & followed this pleasant thank you by personally Deputy PGM Philip Voisey next rose to propose the toast to
investing W. Brothers, the PGM. The penultimate toast of the day was to the
E. Jakins, D. Foreman, J. Morey, J. Watkis, D. Lampard, Visiting Brethren & the Ladies, & was presented by W.
M. Condick, P. Thomas & S. Williams with the collarette of Brother, John Allan, the Provincial Grand Junior Warden.
Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank. To close this special day, Right Worshipful Brother, Derek
The PGM next addressed the Assembly, commenting on the Thomas, Provincial Grand Master for Monmouth rose to
many happy meetings & charity events over the last twelve thank the Province of Somerset in general & Right Wor-
months, his words were as we have all come to expect, shipful Brother John in particular for another great day in
interesting with a touch of humour & much sincerity. Somerset. His wit & repartee was greatly enjoyed by all,
Nearing the end of a varied & interesting morning, RWBroth- especially his final words to our PGM, “Don’t let it go to
er John received the Travelling Ark from the W. Master & your head”! ……Copy/Pics, Ed.
Brethren of the Irwin Lodge, No. 119 meeting at Keynsham.
The Master was word perfect in his presentation, to the
appreciation of all. The Ark is received
John Allan
Don’t let it
go to your head!nt
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