Page 3 - Triangle Spring 2017 Issue 21
P. 3
B u s y t i m e a t N a i l s e a R o y a l A r k M a r i n e r s
Brother Mike Morrish’s first Ceremony as Worshipful Officers with as perfect a ceremony that all present had ever
Commander was indeed a busy one. experienced. Incidentally Brother Michael had had only 8
The Lodge was honoured by the presence of RWBrother John hours-notice that he was the Candidate for this evening.
Graham Morgan, Provincial Grand Master for Somerset, There next followed the Presentation of the Travelling Ark
accompanied by W.Brother Philip Voisey Deputy PGM. Also by the Worshipful Commander & 14 brethren of Thackeray
present were three Past Deputy PGMs, in the persons of Lodge, who requested the brethren of Nailsea to in turn take
VWBrothers Patrick Parker & Raymond Guthrie of Somerset it to Bath to continue its two year journey around the Province.
& VWBrother Roger Blake of Gloucester & Herefordshire. A Grand Lodge Certificate was next presented to Brother
The Lodge also welcomed RWBro. C.A.Stuart Hadler, Craft David Peters by RWBrother John Morgan, who also had the
Provincial Grand Master for Somerset & R.E.Kt. Barry D. great pleasure together with VWBrother Roger Blake to
Burridge, Provincial Prior, KT. What a night for the new present a 50 Years in Royal Ark Masonry Certificate & lapel
Commander! badge to W. Brother Peter Cornall, a wonderful achievement
A ballot was held for a proposed Honorary Member W. & one that many present would not have witnessed before.
Brother M. Thatcher which was unanimously approved by the This very busy & satisfying evening concluded with a
Brethren. Brother Michael John Price, a member of Eldon splendid Festive Board, where the evening’s activities were
Mark Lodge was balloted for Elevation into Nailsea RAM, happily discussed over a drink or so!
subsequently approved & Elevated by the Commander & his …copy/pics,Ed.