Page 4 - Triangle Spring 2017 Issue 21
P. 4
T r a v e l l i n g K e y s t o n e
G o e s O n H o l i d a y
Friday 21 October saw the Travelling Keystone head for the beach.
Accompanied by his present guardian Ian Cox, Worshipful Master of The Somerset
Installed Mark Master Masons Lodge, their destination being Burnham-on-Sea. Their
duty was to visit The William Long Lodge, No.191 for the handover ceremony.
The attendance of the Brethren of the SIMMM Lodge was superb with 23 standing and
supporting the Master as he handed the Keystone to W. Bro Richard Kilburn for safe
The visit coincided with the Lodge Installation Meeting where the Worshipful Master
Neil Dashfield so ably handed over the leadership of the Lodge to W.Bro Richard who
was looking forward to his year in office.
An excellent Festive Board followed the meeting, and the Provincial Grand Master
commented how good it was to see so many attending the evening which brought a very
pleasant atmosphere to the proceedings.
Unfortunately the Keystone only has about 10 days to relax and enjoy his break as he is
off to Quantock Lodge in early November to continue his travels around the Province.
…W. Bro Rod Green. picture…..Cheers to our newest member, Chris Becket
U n i q u e E x p e r i e n c e
f o r S i d n e y Provincial 600 Club Winners
On Saturday October 15, 2016 British classic vehicles Each Draw takes place at a different lodge each month.
The winning numbers are selected electronically.
with combined valuations of £19,033,150 lined up on the Prizes are:- 1 £150, 2 £100,
forecourt of Buckingham Palace to help commemorate 3 & 4 £50.
the 90th birthday of Her Majesty. They were inspected,
on her behalf, by HRH Prince Michael of Kent. 1 Bro. George Sergeant 730
"Each of the ninety vehicles was manufactured in a “ W. Bro. Brian Rees 1608
specific year of her life, and represented that year. The “ Bro. Phil Lewis 102
first was a 1926 'Bullnose' Morris Oxford Tourer, the last “ W. Bro. Mike Fazackerley 102
an impressive 2016 Ford Focus RS.
1 Mrs Marina Eastland 749
Sidney French, (Past Master of Fidelity and Unanimity
“ W. Bro. Ken Parsons 781
348, meeting at Taunton,) accompanied by his cousin
“ W. Bro. Mike Waterman 162
Ashley were invited to take part and were one of these “ RW.Bro. John Morgan 730
90 vehicles, a 1994 MG RV8. Sidney and Ashley had a November
fantastic early morning drive to London with Police 1 W. Bro. John Howlett 1615
escort taking them from a meeting place in London to the “ W. Bro. Cardy Foulds 967
“ W. Bro. Geoff Seaman 730
front forecourt of Buckingham Palace where they were
“ Mrs. Lynn Williams 177
inspected and met with His Royal Highness, Prince
Michael of Kent. Prince Michael informed Sidney that 1 W. Bro. David Lyons 155
he once owned a MGA twin cam. “ Bro. Ted Bevis 119
“ W. Bro. Mark Bajona 749
“ Bro. David Megilley 730