Page 8 - Triangle Spring 2017 Issue 21
P. 8
B a t h R o y a l A r k M a r i n e r s L o d g e T I
Perhaps at a Provincial
meeting but very rarely at a
regular Lodge meeting will
you find more than two Right
Worshipful Brethren together.
Bath Lodge of Royal Ark
Mariners, TI however had the
pleasure of experiencing such
a gathering at its Installation
meeting on 2nd November
Twenty one other brethren
enjoyed the company of
R.W.Bro. John Morgan,
(PGM for Somerset),
R.W.Bro. Ewan Page (Past
PGM Berkshire, Member of
Grand Masters Royal Ark
excellent evening when W.Bro. Derran Lobb Installed Bro. Trevor Quartermaine as Worshipful
Council Honoris Causa and Commander. Probably the comment of RWBro. John is the best way to describe this special evening,
member of the Lodge) and
“Small in numbers, friendly banter ensuring a happy meeting and an excellent festive board”.
R.W.Bro. David Nelson Past Richard Cooper, Scribe TI.
PGM for Somerset during an
T h a c k e r a y R A M N e w C o l l a r s… c o n t i n u e d
The Somerset Triangle Magazine is produced for the Provincial
Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Somerset
The Editor would be pleased to receive articles, news & photographs for possible
publication, but reserves the right to edit them if & where necessary.
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